Month: October 2022

6 Trees to Plant in Portland to Attract Bees, Birds, and Butterflies

Small Trees That Attract Birds in Portland

Over time it has become no secret that bees, birds, and butterflies are essential to not only having a beautifully flourishing yard, but they are also essential to the ecosystems throughout the Portland area and the rest of the world. The rainy climate in Portland and the rest of the Pacific Northwest allow all plants and greenery to thrive here. Lush trees, blooming flowers, and mild summers are the perfect climate for birds, bees, and butterflies to thrive.

Birds, bees, and butterflies are essential to all ecosystems across the world. Pollination occurs when plant pollen grains from a male plant are transferred to a female plant. Through this process, the female plant is effectively fertilized and creates seeds. Pollination is possible due to bees, birds, butterflies, beetles, wasps, and a vast array of other insects and mammals. It is not uncommon for individuals to see bees and butterflies in their yards with legs chock-full of pollen. They take the pollen and collect it by sticking it to their legs, and as they travel from flower to flower they effectively help pollinate the plants in the yard and surrounding area. Birds, bees, and butterflies are some of the most effective at helping to create diverse landscapes throughout Portland. 

Best Trees in Portland to Attract Butterflies

Portland is home to many different species of feathered life, including Great Blue Herons, Western Tanagers, and Anna’s Hummingbirds, whether it be year-round or just for a couple of months. On top of that, over 500 species of bees live throughout Oregon, accompanied by Monarch butterflies, Red Admiral butterflies, and Painted lady butterflies. With such a high amount of diversity in not only species but colors and behaviors, it’s easy to see why so many homeowners wish to design their landscaping with the hopes that they will attract and provide sustenance for the local birds, bees, and butterflies. One way to do this is to plant trees that are a bird, bee, and butterfly friendly. Not only will these types of trees provide a unique and charming aesthetic to the landscaping, they will also provide shelter and sustenance to the gorgeous birds, bees, and butterflies that live in the area. 

The best way to determine which trees will work best with the landscaping and attract the most wildlife, hiring a certified arborist at Urban Forest Pro is the best choice. We have the ability to create a yard that is landscaped to invite and embrace all types of wildlife, including the vast array of birds, bees, and butterflies in Portland. 

What Should You Plant in Portland to Attract Bees, Butterflies, and Birds?

There are a plethora of trees and shrubs that thrive in Portland that will also attract bees, butterflies, and birds. Ultimately, the best choice for wildlife-attracting trees depends upon the homeowner’s landscaping needs and wants. Consulting our team of expert arborists and relaying wants and needs is the best way to determine the perfect plants and trees for each home. However, to give homeowners an idea of what some of their options are, we have compiled a list of trees that attract all kinds of wildlife, including bees, butterflies, and birds. 

1. Cherry Trees

Trees That Attract Butterflies in PortlandOregon is one of the top producers of cherries in the world. In fact, around $67 million of total cherry sales in the United States come from Oregon. Most varieties of cherry trees are commonly found in the Pacific Northwest and attract bees, birds, and butterflies in large quantities. One of the most commonly found is the Chokecherry tree.  Chokecherry trees are a great addition to any landscape designed to embrace wildlife. Chokecherry tree flowers bloom in small clusters and boast beautiful white flowers from early April to late May. These flowers provide more than an ample amount of pollen for butterflies and bees to harvest. They also provide opportunities for bees to build their homes and caterpillars to create cocoons to start their transformation process into butterflies. After the flowers have blossomed, dark purplish-black cherries take their place that attract all kinds of species of birds. Birds also love to use the cherry tree branches to create their nests and raise their young. 

It is recommended to refrain from planting cherry trees if cattle or sheep have access to them. Cherries are toxic to such animals, and when they ferment can cause the animal to essentially become drunk. Due to the immense quantity of cherries that are created, it is very likely that the cherry tree will spread throughout the landscaping as well. So if a homeowner does not want more than one cherry tree they will have to be effective and consistent about removing any growing sapling in their yard. 

2. Crabapple Trees

Attracting Birds with Crabapple Trees

The western crabapple tree is the only native crabapple tree in Portland and the rest of Oregon. Many bird species frequent crabapple trees as they provide edible fruit. The Cedar waxwing and American robin are two species of bird commonly seen around Portland that love to enjoy the fruits of crabapple trees. Robins like to visit fruit trees later in the day, and waxwings will eat fruit any time it is available. Waxwings are notoriously known for eating fermented fruit and becoming visibly under the influence. 

The flowers of the crab apple tree provide ample amounts of flowers for bees and butterflies to get their fill and contribute to pollinating the area. It provides safety for all sorts of animals including, bees, birds, and butterflies. Crab apple trees require little maintenance and only need pruning once a year. Not only do they provide sustenance and a home for birds, bees, and butterflies, but they also provide visually appealing pinks, reds, purples, yellows, and oranges to brighten up the landscape. 

3. Maple Trees

Maple Tree Sap to Attract BirdsMaple trees are a perfect example of how birds, bees, and butterflies work together. Since Maple trees do not produce flowers, bees must take a different approach to access the sugary sap that the Maple tree produces. In Portland, there are six species of woodpeckers that help the bees and butterflies find food. The Red Breasted Sapsucker, Northern Flicker, and the Downy Woodpecker are just a few of the bird species that create holes in Maple trees in an effort to extract beetles and other edible insects. Once the birds have moved on to find other sources of food, the bees and butterflies feast on the sugary sap that oozes from the holes made by the birds. 

Maple trees are an excellent addition to most landscapes. In the fall their colors provide an appealing and gorgeous array of yellows, reds, and oranges that will brighten up any yard. Those who wish can collect sap and create their own maple syrups if they wish to do so. Otherwise, Maple trees tend to be fairly low maintenance while still providing an abundance of food and safe space for birds, bees, and butterflies. 

4. Oak Trees

Trees to Attract Birds in Portland

Food is not the only thing that attracts birds to landscapes. Shelter and a safe place to raise their young is the ultimate decider where a bird will live and frequent. Oak trees not only provide ample amounts of cover with their branches, but they also provide safety with their great heights. Birds love living in Oak trees as it is harder for predators on the ground to reach the birds way up in the tree. It is also easy for birds to reach the acorns that fall on the ground around the Oak trees and quickly return to safety.

There are two species of Oak that are native to the Portland area: Oregon White Oak and California Black Oak. However, other species of Oak trees have been known to thrive in the Pacific Northwest. Some species are shorter than others, but they can range in size from 50ft to 100ft tall. They thrive in Portland’s moist climate as they do well in soil that is not too dry. Due to the sheer size of these trees, and the fact that they have the ability to live for over a century, these trees need more maintenance than others to ensure they thrive and provide the best habitat for attracting birds. 

5. Dogwood Trees

Top Trees to Attract Birds in OregonThere are several varieties of Dogwood trees that are native to the Portland area. They tend to do well in partial sun, but can still thrive in both heat and full sunshine. They grow up to 30 feet tall and provide the perfect environment for birds to build nests. These types of trees are usually inhabited by birds that prefer to be closer to the ground but are still tall enough to provide safety from ground predators. The various variety of Dogwood trees in Portland creates beautiful year-round additions to any landscape. Their deep purple or dark red colored berries are a staple for many different species of birds. 

6. Evergreen Trees

Best Trees for Attracting Birds in Portland

Nesting sites for birds such as chickadees should be covered with a high density of vegetation. A common habitat for them is theedges of Portland forests, but these trees can also be grown in Portland backyards. Homeowners can plant various Evergreen trees in their yards, from firs to pines, to cedars and hemlocks. Their seeds are a food source for a wide variety of birds and animals, and they maintain their dense greenery all year long, making them a safe home for many varieties of animals.

Warblers’ nests are often built within the branches of Evergreen trees, giving them the advantage of being high, nestled, and camouflaged within needled trees. Predators are less likely to catch them this way. There are many varieties of Evergreen trees, with dwarf varieties growing up to 10 feet tall, while others can reach 100 feet tall. 

Tips for Planting & Caring for Plants & Trees to Attract Pollinators

When thinking of planting pollinator plants and trees in a yard, in theory, it sounds easy and straightforward. However, there are a few things that homeowners must keep in mind when planting pollinator plants. The main objective of planting pollinator plants in Portland landscapes is to create healthy and nourishing sources of food and shelter for birds, bees, and butterflies. Here are a few tips on how to do so. 

When To Plant

When growing from seed, the best time to plant pollinator plants is in the fall or late winter. The seeds will need time to germinate, and when not sped up through human process, they will take more time to do so. In the fall, it is best to disperse seeds and cover them with soil. When the winter snow begins to thaw in the spring it will provide moisture to the seeds to help germinate them.  When planting in late winter, scatter the seeds over the top of the snow. Once the sun begins to heat up, the seeds will anchor to the snow and when it begins to melt it will provide moisture to help the seed germinate. 

When starting with pollinator plants instead of seeds, it’s important to follow the frost guidance for each plant. This will help prevent planting them too early and will give them the best chance at thriving. The holes for the pollinator plants should be dug just big enough to fit their root system, and then covered to reinforce the roots with soil or compost. Adding mulch will help reduce the amount of weed growth around the plants. 

Refrain From Using Chemicals

Many homeowners use chemicals, including pesticides in urban and agricultural areas to kill invertebrate pests, diseases, and weeds. However, these chemicals and pesticides are not biased when it comes to the types of insects and animals they kill. They will harm or kill massive populations of bees and butterflies if they are sprayed on or near pollinator plants. Additionally, birds who eat fruit or insects that have been sprayed with pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, or other chemicals can become sick and die as well. Other stressors, such as loss of habitat and disease exposure, can compound the effects of pesticide exposure on pollinator populations. 

Chemical contamination is not just local to the plant but can be spread throughout an ecosystem. In fact, more than 90% of pollen samples from beehives as well as stream samples are contaminated with at least one pesticide. This isn’t only just harmful to bees, birds, and butterflies, but it is also harmful to a homeowner’s landscaping. Without the necessary pollinators needed, flowers and trees won’t effectively be able to pollinate themselves and will therefore lack in appearance. 

Create Pollinator Nesting Areas

Unkempt areas, including tree and bush branches, are the perfect nesting habitat. Bee and butterfly sanctuaries can be created from old scrap wood pieces, hollow stems, and drilled bee blocks or nest boxes. Do not clear nests or cocoons out of trees and plants, as the nests will be reused year after year, and the cocoon holds what will eventually turn into a butterfly. 

If you are considering planting trees in Portland, Oregon, to attract birds, bees, and butterflies or need help with a current tree on your property, we offer a number of professional tree services for our customers to help maintain, remove, or select new trees.

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Where To Place Landscape Lighting

Landscape lighting can be placed in areas around trees and shrubs

Avoid a dark and potentially dangerous landscape due to not knowing how to properly light it. Knowing where and how to use landscape lighting will enhance your home’s security, highlight your yard’s features, and increase your home’s curb appeal. gathered the following information on where and how to place landscape lighting to increase your home’s value and enhance its safety.

Where Should I Put Front Yard Lights?

Your landscape and home can appear more beautiful and illuminated, and front yard landscape lighting naturally increases security by lighting up your entryways. Well-lit homes and yards are significantly less likely to be vandalized or invaded. Consider the following:

Path Lights – These are excellent lighting sources around the perimeter of a yard or to define a driveway/pathway entrance and illuminate walkway areas. This method of outdoor lighting adds to the overall ambiance and serenity of your exterior space.

Tip: Ideally, the lamps should be placed 10 to 15 feet apart, creating connecting pools of light that gently lead the way.

Hanging Lights – These fixtures are perfect for above a front door, gazebo, or porch area. They help with general illumination and add sophisticated detail to your home’s exterior living or gathering space.

Landscape lighting can be placed in areas like doorways

Up and Down Lights – Uplights are placed at ground level and aimed up to highlight focal or interest points in the landscape, like specimen trees, signs, water features, and architecture. Downlights are placed above an object or area and aimed down to imitate natural lighting like simulating moonlight or for providing an added layer of security to an area.

Wall-Mounted Outdoor Lighting – This type of lighting can be mounted on either side of a front, back, or garage door, and around the home’s exterior walls. Wall lighting can significantly increase curb appeal and visibility from the street and helps a home stand out in the neighborhood.

Driveways Low-Voltage Landscape Lighting – This convenient lighting is easy to install and uses less energy than other systems, making it an excellent option to light your way home.

Steps and Stairways – Steps should always be lighted for safety, and this can be done on the risers or the treads.

Landscape lighting can be placed in areas with steps

Doors – Place lights to each side or overhead at the front, back, and side entry doors for increased security.

Note: Designing your landscape with light requires the same planning as traditional landscape. Identify an area, object, or focal point within the yard to be lit and its most striking features.

How Far Apart Should I Place Landscape Lights?

Generally, you have to plan where your outdoor landscape lights should be placed. It is preferable to place the lights six to eight feet apart to ensure your yard, pathways, and driveway remain bright and continuously well-lit. However, spacing them closer is an option, particularly if you are trying to create an especially vivid lighting effect.

Where Do You Put Security Spotlights?

Landscape lighting can be placed in areas that need to be lit for security

There are a few places to install security lights. One is above garages, decks, and patios. There’s usually increased nighttime activity in these places, like walking in and out of the house. It’s great when a light is on, or comes on, so you can see where you are stepping.

Tip: Motion sensor-activated lights are best placed 7 to 10 feet above the ground and facing downwards. The higher the lights are located, the wider radius they will cover.

Solar Powered Landscape Lights

Landscape lighting can be placed in areas like walkways and driveways

For some, outdoor, solar-powered lights are a perfect landscape lighting solution. They tend to be budget-friendly and easy to install, and you can move them exactly where you want them since they don’t rely on hard-wired power sources.

However, for others, most solar landscaping lights do not offer the durability, brilliance, and energy outputs of low-voltage LED lighting systems. Most solar landscape fixtures are poorly constructed with cheap plastics and extremely low-light output lamps. Consider the following pros and cons:

Solar Landscape Lighting Pros:

  • No Electrical Connection Needed
  • Long-Term Savings Potential
  • Easy to Install

Solar Landscape Lighting Cons:

  • Fixtures Require Sunlight to Operate
  • Frequent Maintenance Required
  • Inconsistent Lighting

Note: Dark corners, covered patios, and other shaded areas that may need lighting may not be appropriate locations for solar lighting.

These convenient, ready-to-use solar lights may work great in parts of your yard that get some lighting. Then, you can install traditional wired lights in other parts of the landscape that need stronger, more consistent lighting.

Should I Leave Landscape Lighting on All Night?

Yes and no. If you have general landscape lighting, keep these lights on for the entire night (dusk to dawn). Use garden lights and spotlights with motion detectors, placing them strategically around the perimeter of your home. Areas where vandals or intruders can hide from view, are of particular interest.

Note: If you select solar-powered landscape lighting, your landscape’s lighting will be limited to the amount of energy each light fixture has stored that day.

Landscape Lighting

In this article, you discovered essential information and tips on where and how to install landscape lighting on your property.

Knowing how to adequately light your yard will help you increase your home’s curb appeal and value while adding a crucial layer of security to your property.

Ignoring the need for landscape lighting can leave your property targets to thieves and vandals, while making steps and objects nighttime trip hazards.


Todd’s Marietta Tree Services

Marietta, GA
(678) 505-0266

For the original version of this article visit:

Growing Coffee Trees in Alpharetta Georgia

Growing coffee trees in alpharetta georgia requires nutrient rich and well drained soil

Skip planting coffee trees in Alpharetta, Georgia for them to only wilt and die. Knowing how and where to plant your coffee trees in Alpharetta, GA will give you a specimen tree worthy of years of conversation and appreciation. gathered the following species and growing information to help you plant, grow, and protect beautiful coffee trees in your yard or garden.

Is Coffee a Plant, Shrub, or Tree?

That depends on how you choose to grow them. Coffee plants are woody evergreens that can grow up to 6 feet and can be groomed to grow as large, sprawling bushes, or as short, robust trees.

Coffee Tree Information

Coffee (Coffea) is a genus of more than 120 species of flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family, mostly native to tropical Africa. Four species are primary coffee sources grown throughout the “coffee belt;” they include Arabica, Robusta, Excelsa, and Liberica. When growing coffee in Alpharetta, Georgia, consider the following species requirements:

Soil Requirement – A healthy coffee plant requires nutrient-rich, well-drained, and acidic soil. The soil also needs to be maintained at a pH level between 4.9–5.6. At these pH levels, the plant can better absorb nutrients, resulting in more coffee cherries and fewer pest or disease-related issues.

Sun Preference – This is a species of understory plants and will not thrive in direct, harsh sunlight. Coffee plants that are exposed to too much sunlight will develop chlorosis and leaf browning.

Water Requirement – Coffee plants need to be watered regularly and will droop when they are under-watered. Keep the soil moist without letting the roots sit in water.

Spacing – Place individual plants 8 feet apart to create a hedge and further apart if you plan on harvesting the beans. You’ll need to leave sufficient room to freely walk around each plant.

Hardiness Zone – Coffee trees are cold hardy to zones 10 and 11 (the Coffee Belt) but can be grown in zones 7 through 9 with proper care and protection in the colder months.

Winter Protection – This species is not frost-tolerant, so freezing temperatures are detrimental to your plant. A coffee tree exposed to temperatures below 30° F (1° C) easily dies. It is better to move the plant indoors (when grown in containers) or well-sheltered or wrapped when grown in the yard or garden.

Harvest Time – Harvest your coffee cherries from October through December. However, depending on the species and weather conditions, you may be treated to a second crop, harvested from April through June.

Note: Proper care will help you maintain and even increase your tree’s output over the years, depending on the variety. The average mature coffee tree can produce 10 pounds of coffee cherries or 2 pounds of beans annually.

Tip: Since coffee trees are so sensitive to colder weather, you may find greater success growing them in containers. This way, when cold or freezing weather approaches, your coffee trees can be moved to a greenhouse, garage, or indoors until warmer weather returns.

How to Process Coffee at Home

Harvesting, processing, and brewing your own coffee beans leaves you in absolute control of the quality, purity, and flavor of your home-grown coffee. The following steps will help you properly harvest, prepare, and brew coffee at home.

Growing coffee trees in alpharetta georgia requires protection from harsh winter weather

Step 1 – Pick ripe coffee cherries – Coffee cherries should be picked at their ripest when they have a dark-red exterior. This allows time for the fruit’s sugars to ferment, resulting in a deep, complex, and sweet cup of coffee when the seeds are roasted.

Step 2 – Remove the beans from the fruit – Soaking the harvested beans in water overnight will loosen the fruit from the bean, facilitating the bean’s removal.

Step 3 – Soak the beans in water for 48 hours – This step will help remove the slimy covering on your beans. They’re ready when they feel rough between your fingers instead of slick. Rinse them off and proceed to the next step.

Step 4 – Thoroughly dry the beans – This step is crucial if you intend to store the beans for any time and prevent mold. Spread the beans out on a flat surface and allow them to sun dry for 2 to 4 days. (If you intend to brew them immediately, skip this step and proceed to step 5).

Step 5 – Removing the parchment from your beans – The parchment is a naturally occurring, papery substance surrounding coffee beans (just like the membrane-like layer enveloping other fruit seeds). Hulling away the parchment is optional since some coffee beans are sold “in parchment” (or “en pergamino”). It depends on your preference.

Step 6 – Roast your beans – You can roast your coffee beans in a stainless steel skillet or pot over medium heat, bake the beans in the oven, or even roast them in an air fryer. Any way you choose, use medium heat, stirring frequently, and avoid burning them.

Step 7 – Grind and brew your coffee – Grind your roasted beans to your preferred coarseness and brew your homemade coffee how you like it.

Note: Traditionally, coffee is harvested by hand in one of two ways: strip picking or selective picking. Strip picking is exactly how it sounds, trees are harvested, “stripping” all the beans from the branches, ripened and unripened cherries. Selective picking is more time-consuming but allows you to harvest only ripe coffee cherries.

Growing Coffee in Alpharetta, Georgia

In this article, you discovered species, growing, and harvesting information to help you grow and cultivate the coffea species in Alpharetta, Georgia.

Properly caring for and protecting your coffee trees can provide your landscape with a unique fruiting plant species that can keep you well-supplied with coffee to grind.

Being ignorant to coffee tree planting and care requirements will lead to their eventual decline and death.


This article was first published on:

What To Do If A Storm Damaged Your Tree

The weather is changing, so more storms are coming in certain parts of the nation as we transition toward winter. Each year storms impact homeowners knocking down trees and ruining yards from damage and debris everywhere as they move across the states. Most of the time, these trees were weakened or damaged by storms. Though less devastating than injury or death, fallen trees and limbs can also damage (or even destroy) homes and property.

At Red’s Tree Service, we understand the importance of protecting your home from inclement weather conditions. With a little knowledge from some experts and preparation, we can help you get through storm season and beyond with these tips. Here’s what to do if a storm damages your tree. 

Determining The Severity of Tree Damage

The first thing a homeowner should look at is how badly the trees have been damaged by the storm. Some trees that survive a storm could be salvageable. Understanding the difference in tree damage is important as it could save repair costs. Most damage to a property following a storm is the result of trees. Of course, there are varying degrees of damage that can occur. To simplify it, we’ve grouped it into three categories: mild, moderate, and severe.

Mild Tree Damage

Mild or minimal damage to a tree following a storm would be the loss of some limbs, none being big enough that it posed a major concern. You might have some broken branches or torn bark as well. Overall, the tree is structurally intact.

Moderate Tree Damage

We would probably think of moderate tree damage after a storm as the loss of some significant limbs, which may now have made the tree unstable. You might also have a limb hanging that could pose a future risk. Perhaps no major damage has occurred yet, but you’re worried about it. It may be questionable whether the tree is still structurally sound.

Severe Tree Damage

Of course, severe damage would definitely include a tree that has been uprooted and already fallen—or even a tree that is leaning and seems incredibly risky. A huge limb that’s crashed through a structure would also be severe damage.

Is Storm Damage to Trees Covered by Insurance?

This is one of the most common questions from homeowners. While the answer can vary depending on your insurance company, we generally find that if the tree falls on a structure, insurance will probably cover it. That can include a fence, a pool, a shed, a garage, or a house. However, if the tree falls into the street or does damage to your yard or something else on your property that is not a structure (such as a car), insurance is more than likely not going to cover the cost.

Regarding limbs that are hanging, unfortunately, insurance will probably not cover the removal of a limb that is hanging and has the potential to cause damage (but hasn’t yet). Insurance is generally only going to cover damage that’s already happened.

Repairing Storm Damage to Trees

The exact way to address a damaged tree really comes down to how severe the damage is. Storms can cause damage in many different ways. Some of the signs to look for in a storm-damaged tree include cracks in the tree trunk or the limbs, a significant root injury (like a big gash), broken or hanging limbs, or leaning trees. 

What To Do If A Storm Damaged Your Tree

Sometimes, repairing storm damage to trees can be addressed simply by removing the damaged limb (or limbs). This would mean cutting back to the next lateral or to the trunk of the tree if necessary. Pruning any small, broken branches is also important. Disease and pests can begin to infest a tree with open “wounds.” Proper pruning will help the tree to heal faster.

Unfortunately, when large limbs get ripped from a tree, they don’t break off in a way that is conducive to healing, so the tree may require a lot of care. Large limbs can break away and even tear some of the trunks off with them. This will leave scars that you may need to have cared for years to ensure the tree does not succumb to disease or decay.

Of course, your tree must be thoroughly assessed to determine whether a more serious course of action is warranted when it comes to moderate or severe damage. Hazards are not always obvious to the untrained eye. That’s why it’s important to have a professional closely inspect your tree. Sometimes, tree removal is the best option in order to prevent a future fall. And if a tree has already fallen, then removal is the only option left.

How Much Does Tree Pruning or Removal Cost?

The cost to prune or remove a tree is largely based on its size. The average starting cost to prune a small tree is going to be somewhere in the $400 range. As you get into larger trees, such as a mature oak that might be 80-foot tall, that cost is going to rise. Pruning a large tree would likely start around the $800 to $1,000+ range.

How Can I Protect My Existing Trees from Future Damage?

While there is no 100-percent guaranteed way to protect trees from storms, there are definitely some steps you can take to make them less prone to damage. For one, a thorough assessment of the trees on your property will point out which trees might be at the greatest risk for damage during a storm. Certain trees may be more likely to fall during a storm if they have one of the following problems:

  • Deadwood
  • Decaying areas
  • Problems with the roots
  • Cracks
  • Weak or hanging limbs

Routine maintenance of your tree, which includes addressing any issues that may be found, will go a long way in protecting it. This might include a task like thinning out the canopy to let the wind go “through” the tree instead of hitting it like a wall during a storm. It would also include removing dead or damaged limbs, pruning, and potentially even installing cabling and bracing if it’s determined your tree could benefit from this service.

What To Do If A Storm Damaged Your Tree

Protect Your Home With Red’s Tree Service

Here at Red’s Tree Service, we know storm damage is frequent, especially in the Mid-South. Heavy rains, wind and lightning can knock trees over into your house or your power lines or, at the very least, cause tree limbs to be strewn across your yard. Our family-owned and operated business have been providing quality tree services for over 40 years. If you are interested in protecting your home, please call us. Our team of trained professionals is ready to help you with all your needs.  

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