Month: August 2023

Why Is Bark Peeling Off My Tree?

Ever strolled through your yard or a park and noticed the tree bark peeling off in large chunks, exposing the wood beneath? If you’re a homeowner like us, you might have wondered, “Why is bark peeling off my tree?” and whether it’s a sign of a tree in distress. Worry not, for we are here to uncover the reasons behind peeling tree bark and provide you with the knowledge to care for your leafy friends.

Short Summary

• Understanding tree bark shedding is essential to identify environmental damage or tree disease.
• Certain species naturally shed their bark during growth and development, while extreme temperatures can cause peeling in fruit/nut trees.
• Monitor the health of trees with peeling bark & seek professional help from certified arborists.

Understanding Tree Bark Shedding

close-up of a tree bark with peeling and shedding

Peeling bark can be an unsettling sight, but it’s not always a sign of a tree in danger. Shedding bark is a natural process for many trees, allowing them to grow and adapt to their environment. Temperature fluctuations and the inherent characteristics of certain species can also contribute to bark peeling. So, how can you tell if your tree is shedding its bark as part of a healthy growth process or if it’s a symptom of a disease or environmental damage? The answer lies in observing what’s underneath the peeling layer.

The tree is likely undergoing a normal shedding process if you notice healthy, new bark covering the wood when the old bark peels away. This is a sign that the shedding process is regular and healthy. If you see bare wood or mats of fungus under the peeling bark, it could mean the tree is suffering from environmental damage or disease. Get advice from a tree specialist if you suspect this is the case. In such cases, it’s crucial to identify the cause and take action to prevent further harm to the tree.

Natural Bark Shedding in Certain Species

Trees such as silver maple and sycamore trees are known to naturally shed their bark as part of their growth and development. In fact, several of the following species shed naturally:

• Paperbark maple
• Kousa dogwood
• American sycamore
• Silver maple
• Scots pine
• Redbud
• London planetree
• Shagbark hickory
• Various types of maples

Many trees exhibit natural bark shedding, which can sometimes be confused with bark splits, especially when observed from the bark underneath. In some cases, dead bark falls leaving exposed wood on the tree. It is essential to differentiate between these occurrences and loose bark, which may indicate a different issue. One way to identify this is by looking for naturally shed bark around the tree with thick bark.

The purpose of this shedding is to enable the growth of new, healthy bark by discarding old and dead layers. This phenomenon is natural and essential for the tree’s overall health. So, when you encounter bark shedding in such species, you can rest assured that it’s a sign of growth and vitality.

Temperature-Related Bark Peeling

tree dealing with temperature-related issues and question of why is bark peeling off my tree

Extreme temperatures and sudden fluctuations can lead to bark shedding, especially in fruit and nut trees. Frost cracks and sunscalds are two common temperature-related causes of bark peeling. These factors can expose the underlying layers of the tree, making it more susceptible to pests and diseases.

To mitigate the risk of temperature-related bark peeling, monitoring your tree’s exposure to extreme temperatures is essential. Providing shade during hot afternoons and protecting the trunk from freezing temperatures can help maintain your tree’s health and minimize the risk of peeling bark.

Thin Bark and Seasonal Shedding

Trees with thin bark, such as maple trees and pine trees, may shed more frequently during warmer seasons. This increased shedding is a natural occurrence that allows the tree to receive more sunlight exposure, ultimately benefiting its growth.

So, if you notice your thin-barked tree shedding more than usual during the warmer months, there’s no need to panic—it’s all part of nature’s plan.

Identifying Diseases and Pests Affecting Tree Bark

tree with yellowing and wilting leaves indicating a fungal infection

While shedding bark can be a natural process for certain species and in specific conditions, diseases, and pests can also cause trees to lose their protective layers. Identifying the root cause of bark shedding will prevent further damage and ensure the tree’s survival.

Fungal infections, such as Cytospora canker and Botryosphaeria, and insect damage from defoliating, burrowing, and sucking insects can all lead to bark peeling. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into these issues and discuss how to identify and address them.

Fungal Infections Causing Bark Peeling

Fungal infections, like Hypoxylon canker, can lead to bark peeling, yellowing leaves, and dying branches. If you suspect a tree is suffering from a fungal disease, inspect the bark for signs of infection, such as a white or grayish hue accompanied by wilting leaves.

If your tree is diagnosed with a fungal infection like Hypoxylon canker, it’s crucial to take the following steps:

1) Remove the infected tree.
2) Dispose of the wood properly to prevent the spread of the fungus.
3) Take timely intervention to save surrounding trees from infection and prevent further damage to the ecosystem.

Insect Damage to Tree Bark

Insects, such as beetles and spotted lanternflies, can wreak havoc on tree bark by laying eggs, causing the bark to break and slide off, leaving the tree vulnerable to infestation. Some insects that are known to cause damage to tree bark include:

Bark beetles
• Clearwing moths
• Other tree borers

To protect your tree from insect damage, inspect the bark for signs of infestation, such as holes or sawdust-like material surrounding the tree. If you find evidence of insect damage, consult a tree care specialist or arborist to help diagnose and treat the issue, ensuring the health and survival of your tree.

Environmental Factors Contributing to Peeling Tree Bark

tree with frost damage on its bark

Apart from natural growth processes and diseases, environmental factors like sunscald, frost damage, and water stress can also contribute to peeling tree bark. Identifying and addressing these environmental causes is crucial to maintaining the health and longevity of your tree, as peeling bark caused by these factors can lead to further complications.

In this section, we’ll explore how sunscald, frost damage, and water stress can cause bark peeling and discuss preventive measures to help your tree thrive despite these environmental challenges.

Sunscald and Frost Damage

Sunscald and frost damage can cause bark peeling, particularly on the south or southwest side of the tree. Sunscald occurs when the warm afternoon sun causes the tree to break dormancy, and the subsequent freezing night temperature causes the newly awakened tissue to die, resulting in unsightly blemishes on the trunk.

To prevent sunscald and frost damage, consider wrapping or painting the trunk of your tree. This protective measure can shield the tree from temperature extremes and help maintain its health and appearance.

Water Stress and Bark Cracking

Water stress, caused by too much or too little water, can lead to bark cracking and peeling. Ensuring your tree receives the appropriate amount of water is essential to its health and well-being.

Proper watering techniques can help alleviate water stress and prevent bark cracking. Water your tree deeply and infrequently, allowing the soil to dry between waterings. This approach encourages deep root growth and helps the tree better withstand periods of drought or excess water.

How to Care for Trees with Peeling Bark

tree with peeling bark and leaves

Caring for trees with peeling bark may seem like a daunting task, but with the proper knowledge and approach, you can help your tree thrive despite any challenges it faces. Monitoring tree health and seeking professional help when necessary can significantly contribute to the well-being of your tree.

In this section, we’ll provide guidance on how to monitor your tree’s health and when to consult a tree care specialist for assistance.

Monitoring Tree Health

Regularly inspect your trees for signs of disease, pests, or environmental stress. Keep an eye out for discolored leaves, wilting, or peeling bark. If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to take action to maintain your tree’s health, which may include pruning, fertilizing, or treating the tree with an appropriate pesticide.

Taking the time to inspect your trees and address any issues early on can help prevent more significant problems down the line. A proactive approach to tree care will ensure the health and longevity of your leafy friends.

Seeking Professional Help

If you’re unsure about the cause of bark peeling or how to care for your tree, consult a tree care specialist for guidance and assistance. These professionals, such as certified arborists, can help diagnose the problem and provide the necessary treatment or advice.

Don’t hesitate to contact a tree care specialist if you suspect your tree is suffering from disease or environmental damage. Their expertise can help you preserve the health and beauty of your tree, ensuring it remains a vital part of your landscape for years to come.


Peeling tree bark can be a natural part of a tree’s growth process, a symptom of a disease or pest infestation, or a result of environmental factors like sunscald, frost damage, and water stress. By understanding the various causes of bark peeling and applying preventive measures, you can help ensure the health and longevity of your trees. Remember, monitoring tree health, addressing issues proactively, and seeking professional help when needed can all contribute to a thriving landscape and a greener world for us all.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you fix peeling bark on a tree?

Clean the damaged area and remove any loose bark. Carefully cut a clean edge around the wound with a chisel and hammer, then fit the bark pieces back onto the tree. Secure the bark in place with tape or rope lightly wrapped around the trunk.

Check in three months to see if the damaged area has been fused back together.

Is my tree dead if the bark is falling off?

The bark on a tree can provide clues as to its health and vitality. Healthy trees will shed their bark as it is replaced with new growth, while a dying tree will struggle to regenerate its bark. Signs of a dead tree include wilting foliage, brittle branches, and branch wood that shows no green when scraped.

If the peeling layers of bark reveal healthy bark underneath, then your tree is likely okay; however, any sudden swing in temperature can cause a tree to shed bark and crack under stress.

Can temperature fluctuations cause bark peeling?

Yes, temperature fluctuations can cause bark peeling in fruit and nut trees due to frost cracks and sunscalds.

What are some common diseases and pests that can cause bark shedding?

Fungal infections like Hypoxylon canker and insect damage from beetles, spotted lanternflies, and other tree borers can cause bark shedding, which are common diseases and pests.

How can I protect my tree from sunscald and frost damage?

Protect your tree from sunscald and frost damage by wrapping or painting the trunk to shield it from temperature extremes.

Tree Removal Done Right: Big Foot Tree Service’s Safe and Responsible Approach

Tree removal is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning, expertise, and attention to safety. When faced with the need to remove a tree, whether due to disease, storm damage, or encroachment on structures, it’s essential to choose a professional tree service that prioritizes safety and responsible practices. At Big Foot Tree Service, we take pride in our safe and responsible approach to tree removal.

Tree Care Services in Spring

The Importance of Proper Tree Removal:

Tree removal is an essential aspect of tree care, but it must be approached with care and precision. Proper tree removal offers various benefits, such as:

  • Safety: Removing hazardous or compromised trees reduces the risk of falling branches or trees that could cause property damage or endanger lives.
  • Property Protection: Strategic tree removal prevents damage to structures, fences, utility lines, and other valuable assets on your property.
  • Aesthetics and Landscape Enhancement: Removing unwanted or unsightly trees can improve the overall appearance and functionality of your landscape.
  • Environmental Health: Removing diseased or invasive trees can protect surrounding vegetation from the spread of disease or non-native species.

The Risks of Improper Tree Removal Techniques:

Tree removal is not a DIY task, as it can be hazardous and lead to significant risks if not done correctly. Some potential risks of improper tree removal include:

  • Property Damage: Incorrect tree removal techniques can cause trees or branches to fall in unintended directions, leading to property damage or injury to nearby structures.
  • Safety Hazards: Inadequate precautions during tree removal can pose a danger to the tree removal crew and bystanders.
  • Environmental Impact: Improper tree removal may result in unnecessary damage to nearby vegetation or wildlife habitats.

Big Foot Tree Service’s Safe and Responsible Approach:

At Big Foot Tree Service, safety and responsible practices are at the core of our tree removal services. Here’s how we ensure a secure and environmentally conscious tree removal process:

  • Professional Arborists: Our team comprises certified arborists who possess the knowledge and expertise to assess tree health, structural stability, and potential risks accurately.
  • Rigorous Planning: Before any tree removal, our experts conduct a comprehensive evaluation to develop a customized removal plan, accounting for factors such as tree size, location, and surrounding structures.
  • Safety Measures: We employ advanced rigging and lowering techniques to safely dismantle trees in sections, minimizing the risk of damage to surrounding areas.
  • Specialized Equipment: Big Foot Tree Service utilizes state-of-the-art equipment, including cranes and aerial lifts, to facilitate the safe and efficient removal of trees, even in challenging locations.
  • Environmental Responsibility: We prioritize environmental preservation by salvaging usable wood for repurposing or donating, and recycling tree debris to minimize waste.
  • Cleanup and Restoration: After tree removal, we ensure thorough cleanup of the area, leaving your property tidy and free from tree debris.

Tree removal is a task that demands expertise, precision, and a commitment to safety and environmental stewardship.

Contact Big Foot Tree at 973-885-8000 today or visit us online for more information!


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Trim Your Tree or Leave It: The Long-Term Cost

Trees are gorgeous parts of our urban and natural landscape. In every corner of our world, trees stand tall, their branches weaving stories of time and nature’s untamed spirit. While many admire the manicured elegance of pruned trees, there’s an undeniable allure to those left in their natural state. But what lies behind this wild facade? As Red’s Tree Service ventures into the world of untrimmed trees, we’ll hopefully help you decide if you should trim your tree or leave it and what the long-term cost of leaving it is!

The Benefits Of An Untrimmed Tree

Nature has its rhythm, a cadence that’s often best left undisturbed. Trees, in their natural state, are a testament to this. Their wild, untrimmed branches tell stories of years gone by, seasons weathered, and life that has nestled within their boughs. Let’s look at some ways untrimmed trees can help your outdoor space!


Untrimmed trees are bustling microcosms. Birds find refuge and build nests, insects thrive, and small mammals find shelter, all contributing to a rich tapestry of biodiversity. These trees become vital habitats, especially in urban areas where such spaces are scarce.


There’s a certain charm to trees that grow freely, their branches reaching out in every direction, unburdened by human intervention. They stand as nature intended, each twist and turn a testament to their resilience and adaptability. For many homeowners and nature enthusiasts, this untouched beauty is preferable, offering a slice of the wild amidst manicured lawns and pruned hedges.


The impact of mature, untrimmed trees is profound. They act as carbon sinks, absorbing and storing significant amounts of carbon dioxide, a crucial part of combatting climate change. Their expansive canopies provide shade, reducing the urban heat island effect, and their roots prevent soil erosion.

Your Mental & Physical Well-Being

Nature has a profound healing touch. The presence of untrimmed, wild trees in our surroundings can be therapeutic. They serve as natural stress relievers, with studies indicating that green spaces can diminish anxiety and enhance mental tranquility. Trees also purify our air by capturing pollutants and replenishing the atmosphere with fresh oxygen, contributing to our physical health. Thanks to trees, we breathe cleaner, fresher air!

As Red’s Tree Service wants to help you decide if you should trim your tree or leave it and what the long-term cost of leaving it is!

The Risks Of Letting Trees Grow Wild

Unfortunately, untrimmed trees can be hazardous and inconvenient despite their beauty and advantages. 


  • Pest Attraction: Trees with overgrown or dead branches often attract pests, from harmful insects to fungi. These pests can weaken the tree further, making it susceptible to diseases.
  • Spread to Adjacent Trees: A diseased tree can act as a source, spreading ailments to nearby healthy trees, thereby affecting the entire landscape.

Safety Concerns

  • Falling Hazards: Trees with weak branches have an increased chance of breaking off, especially during storms or high winds, causing injury or property damage.
  • Visibility Issues: Overgrown trees that interfere with roads or pathways can obstruct vision, leading to accidents or hazards for pedestrians and drivers who cannot see enough to make the safest decision.
  • Root Invasion: Trees that don’t receive proper maintenance are likely to have expansive root systems. These roots can interfere with structures, potentially damaging foundations, sidewalks, or plumbing systems.

Financial Surprises

Trees, often seen as the silent sentinels of gardens, can profoundly impact your wallets

when not given the care they deserve. At first glance, it might seem economical to skip

regular tree maintenance. After all, nature has its way of managing itself, right? However,

this short-term saving can quickly spiral into long-term financial burdens. 

  • Falling Trees Or Branches: The cost of repairing property damage from fallen branches, or worse, an entire tree, can be substantial. Moreover, depending on where your untrimmed tree is located, the potential liability from any injuries caused by falling branches can lead to even more significant financial setbacks.
  • Structural Damage: Beneath the surface, the expansive root systems of unchecked trees can wreak havoc. They might disrupt home foundations, leading to expensive repair work. They can also interfere with plumbing systems or damage driveways, leading to additional unforeseen expenses.
  • Diseased Trees:  Usually, addressing infestations or diseases requires professional intervention, which often comes at a cost. If a tree becomes too problematic, removal might be the only solution. Tree removal, especially for large or complex trees, can be a costly endeavor, both in terms of money and the loss of a mature tree.
As Red’s Tree Service wants to help you decide if you should trim your tree or leave it and what the long-term cost of leaving it is!

Get A Free Tree Risk Assessment From Red’s Tree Service!

Trees are vital to our ecological, mental, and physical well-being. Upkeeping the trees on

your residential or commercial property might seem daunting and overwhelming at first, but

don’t worry! Red’s Tree Service is here to help! Contact us today to schedule a free tree risk

assessment and learn what your next steps should be to preserve your outdoor space and

your wallet.

This post first appeared on

Emergency Tree Services: How Big Foot Tree Service Responds to Nature’s Fury

Nature is both awe-inspiring and unpredictable. Storms, hurricanes, and severe weather events can unleash their fury, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. During these challenging times, one of the most vulnerable elements on our properties is our trees. Fallen branches or uprooted trees can cause extensive damage to structures, vehicles, and pose serious safety risks. At Big Foot Tree Service, we understand the urgency of such situations and are dedicated to providing reliable and prompt emergency tree services to help homeowners and communities recover from nature’s fury.

The Importance of Emergency Tree Services:

When nature strikes with force, it can leave properties in disarray, particularly in densely treed areas. In times of emergencies, quick action is vital to minimize risks and start the restoration process. Here’s why emergency tree services are critical:

  • Safety First: Fallen or hanging branches, unstable trees, and potential hazards need immediate attention to ensure the safety of residents and passersby.
  • Property Protection: Proactive tree removal and stabilization can prevent further damage to structures, vehicles, and utility lines.
  • Fast Restoration: A swift response from professional tree service teams can expedite the restoration of your property and community.

Immediate Hazard Assessment

Upon arriving at the scene, our experienced team conducts a thorough hazard assessment. This includes evaluating unstable trees, hanging branches, damaged limbs, and the proximity of trees to structures and power lines. By identifying high-priority risks, we can address urgent concerns and prevent further damages.

  1. Safe Tree Removal and Clearance: Safety remains our top priority throughout the emergency tree removal process. Using industry-approved techniques, our team carefully removes hazardous trees, clearing debris, and ensuring no additional harm is caused during the process.
  2. Community Assistance and Support: In times of disaster, communities come together to support each other. At Big Foot Tree Service, we extend our services beyond tree removal. We provide valuable guidance on tree replanting, long-term tree care, and collaborate with local community efforts for a swift and effective recovery.

Nature’s fury can leave devastating impacts, but with Big Foot Tree Service’s dedicated emergency tree services, you can face these challenges with confidence. Our prompt and expert response to emergencies ensures the safety of your property, loved ones, and community during times of crisis.

Contact Big Foot Tree Service at 973-885-8000 today or visit us online for more information!


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