Getting Trees Ready for Spring
Just when you thought you couldn’t handle another day of brutal Indiana winter, spring is within sight! But before you put away the hats and gloves, the heavy coats and snow shovels, remember that we still have a few weeks of winter. And that is a good thing because there are some tree care tasks that need to be done before spring is in full bloom. The window between the worst of winter weather and the bright flowers of spring can be quite short so get ready for these necessary activities.
1. Tree Inspection
While inspection seems like a rather passive and minor activity, it’s not. To the contrary, thorough inspection can help you spot problems while they’re small and, pardon the pun, nip them in the bud. When trees are bare, it is easier to see weak or diseased branches.
2. Tree Trimming
Before trees start to leaf out, it is also helpful to do any pruning or trimming that is needed. Not only is it easier to see what’s going on without leaves, but is also better for the health of the tree to prune before the weather gets warmer. In cold weather, the chances are reduced for infection or infestation of the open wounds left by pruning.
3. Tree Clean-up
As the snow begins you melt, you may begin to see a real mess around your tree. If you placed protective wrapping on your tree for the winter, you’ll want to start by removing that. Fallen branches should be picked up to from around the tree to make your lawn beautiful and ready to take off in spring weather.
4. Tree Planting
Once the ground thaws, spring is a perfect time to plant any trees you’d like to add to your landscape. The earlier you can get them in the ground, the better as they will have more time to recover from the trauma of planting before they must endure the trauma of hot summer weather.
5. Tree Fertilization
Growth takes energy so you want to provide all the nutrients your trees need to grow. Fertilizers will have an optimal effect if they are applied as soon as the ground is workable. That way, when your tree is ready for that spring growth spurt, it will have the nutrients it needs at its disposal.
6. Soil Testing and Amendment
Relatedly, this transition time is also a good time to test your soil and see what nutrients it is missing. Soil that is lacking the necessary nutrients for healthy long-term tree growth can be amended with the proper additives.
7. Mulch Application
Tree health is closely tied to their ability to access water. Bare or weedy soil can divert necessary water from trees. Mulch keeps water from evaporating and prevents weeds from taking root. To help retain water in the ground around trees, mulch should be properly applied.
8. Arborist Consultation
Finally, keeping trees healthy is not always a straightforward task. You may not know what your trees need or the best approach to take with them. It is often helpful to schedule a consultation with a trained arborist who can assess the situation and give recommendations for ensuring trees’ ongoing strength and vigor.
Don’t let care for your trees overwhelm you during the short period of transition from winter to spring. Instead, let Ping’s help you out. The experts at Ping’s offers Indianapolis tree trimming, planting, fertilizing, and other services to help you get ready for spring. Schedule today online or by calling us at 317-298-8482.
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