Best Time For Tree Removal

Best Time For Tree Removal

5. Time Of Year

Trees that are still living and do not pose an immediate risk should preferably be removed during their dormant season. This mainly applies to deciduous trees that have a seasonal cycle. The dormant season normally occurs at the end of winter just before new leaf shoots arrive in the spring.

The reason that this is the best time of year is because the tree carries less foliage and is therefore much easier to cut down, cut up and remove. In addition, it is far less messy to remove the tree at this time. The ground has also just begun to thaw at the start of spring making it soft enough to remove the roots while ensuring that it is hard enough for any surrounding trees and plants to remain stable and in place.

The ground factor means that this is also a good time to remove evergreen trees or trees that do not lose their leaves in the fall and sprout new ones in the spring.

6. The Cost

Tree fellers, an arborist and other type of tree removal expert will charge more to remove trees during the busy season which is between winter and spring. Opting to have the trees removed a little earlier, out of this peak season, can save you some of the expense of having the tree expertly removed. Earlier in the winter months is ideal if you are looking for a more cost-effective professional tree removal service.

Always keep in mind that tree removal is a hazardous process and the task is best left Portland Tree Service experts.

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