Urban Forest Pro FAQ’s: What are my Options for Replanting my Tree?

Urban Forest Pro FAQ’s: What are my Options for Replanting my Tree?

Spring is here, and many people are thinking about tree planting, whether to add more shade or to replace trees that have been removed. As Portland certified arborists, we consistently field homeowners’ questions about replanting options. After arranging our Portland tree removal services for a tree lost to winter storm damage or disease, our customers often hope to replant another tree in the same spot. However, replanting is not as simple as it may seem. It’s important to choose a tree that will thrive in your available space. Moreover, city law may restrict your replanting options. Read on for our tips on replanting.

Freshly planted tree outside of homeTree planting is an area of urban arboriculture where major and costly mistakes are often made. The two major problems are 1) Choosing the wrong tree, and 2) Putting it in the wrong place. When choosing a tree, think about its preferred growing environment, its mature size, disease concerns, and other factors. If you’re unsure about whether a certain species will work, arrange for a tree consultation with one of our arborists.

Once you’ve found a species that will fit well in your available space, be picky about selecting the right specimen at the nursery. Our blog post on choosing a tree like a pro has advice on how to buy a healthy tree. Ultimately, when it comes to Portland tree planting, the ideal approach is to work with an experienced arborist who can help you select and plant the new tree.

Municipal restrictions are another area of concern when replanting trees. As the homeowner, it is up to you to be aware of local restrictions and regulations, which do vary around the Metro area. Portland, in particular, has some rather tight guidelines that could lead to a fine if not closely followed.

Portland Tree Planting Regulations

Street Tree Permits. If you intend to replant a street tree in Portland, you will need to get a permit that approves the tree type and size. To determine if a tree is considered a street tree, follow the City of Portland’s online instructions, which direct you to PortlandMaps.com to locate the tree. Basically, if more than 50% of a tree’s trunk is in the public right of way, it is considered a street tree.

Planting in your Yard. Although Portland has restrictions about what kinds of trees can be removed, the possibilities are endless as to what kinds of trees that can be planted in your yard. We recommend that you take a look around and see what you like and don’t like about the existing trees in your neighborhood. A professional arborist or horticulturalist can help you make an informed decision about what kinds of trees will grow best in your intended location.

Permits. In Portland, permits are needed for pruning, removing, and planting street trees or trees on commercial property. If you do not get a permit, you could be subject to fines of up to $1000 per tree, or $100 per inch of diameter—even if the arborist never told you that you needed a permit. At UFP our certified arborists can help you attain the necessary permits.

Mitigation. Some local municipalities, such as Lake Oswego, require that homeowners replant a new tree when an old tree is removed. This practice is referred to as mitigation, and it comes with its own set of city regulations. For example, in Lake Oswego no mitigation is required for trees that have been removed because they are hazardous or dead. Mitigation is required when a tree has been removed from a Lake Oswego right-of-way. Our Portland certified arborists can help you create a mitigation plan for tree removal.

Replanting for other reasons. The trees in our urban landscape provide both economic and environmental benefits. Mature trees add property, clean the air by producing oxygen, and provide habitat for nesting songbirds, among other benefits. The average lifespan of an urban tree is only 10 years, and most trees don’t reach maturity until 20 years, illustrating that maintenance is important to extending a tree’s lifespan. These numbers also emphasize just how much replanting actually goes on in an urban environment.

Whatever your reason for planting a new tree, we’d love to help. Our Portland tree services include consultation, tree sales and tree planting. For $300, we will take care of the whole process, from tree selection to planting. Our trees are premium stock; as such, we guarantee their health for three years against everything except vandalism and drought. Call us today about replanting a tree in your yard. If you’re wondering how much to relocate a tree check out this blog post.

This post first appeared on https://www.urbanforestprofessionals.com

What’s the Difference Between Landscapers and Arborists?

Rose City residents may not know the difference between landscapers and arborists. They might just think of it as working with “Thorns” versus “Timbers.” However, the comparison is more complex than that and goes far beyond Providence Park!

Horticulture and arboriculture share some common ground – the care of natural surroundings. Landscapers and arborists can work together, yet the two are not interchangeable. While both work with plants, one is more specialized than the other. When looking for Portland tree services, it’s important to know the difference between landscapers and arborists, or else you could end up with lackluster service.

You can expect Landscapers to know how to care for the land, such as:

  • Urban Forest Pro Certified Arborist at workDesigning and installing landscape (natural features) or hardscape (man-made fixtures).
  • Installing and maintaining lawn irrigation, and ensuring proper water drainage.
  • Covering land with mulch to enrich or insulate the soil.
  • Preparing, creating, and maintaining garden beds.
  • Pruning shrubs to promote health.

Although landscapers are skilled at horticulture, they are ill equipped to handle complicated tree projects. Landscapers may not have the appropriate tools or training to complete arboricultural jobs correctly – or safely. Too often, a landscape contractor attempts arboriculture, only to hurt himself or damage the property.

In contrast, Arborists are “tree doctors” who specialize in tree health. They are extensively trained and properly equipped to tackle challenging tree work, such as:

  • Assessing the condition of trees and how to heal disease.
  • Pruning trees, in consideration of available space, tree health, and productivity.
  • Removing or reducing trees correctly and safely.
  • Cabling or bracing vulnerable branch unions to create structural support.
  • Transplanting and replanting trees to more appropriate locations.
  • Performing deep root or tree spike fertilization to provide trees with key nutrients.
  • Injecting fertilizers and pest control formulas into trees.
  • Grinding stumps, ensuring a tree’s remnants are is eradicated.

Safety considerations highlight the differences between landscapers and arborists. Arborists are trained to use specialized tools to climb and cut trees safely. From rigging to harnesses to aerial lift equipment, providing Portland tree services for the towering species in our area requires unique equipment—equipment that landscapers don’t have.

Liability insurance distinguishes these fields as well. Trustworthy Portland certified arborists carry extensive liability insurance to protect themselves and the homeowner; in contrast, landscapers are not typically insured for arboricultural liability. Homeowners may have to foot the bill for damage if the contractor doesn’t carry the proper insurance for Portland tree removal or other services.

City codes for the City of Portland State that homeowners must obtain permits before planting, pruning, or removing certain trees. According to the city’s new tree code, failing to acquire the correct permits could bring fees of up to $1,000 per day, per tree. To avoid fines, it’s best to work with a certified, experienced arborist. For example, Portland arborists can identify whether you have a heritage tree on your property. Heritage trees are protected by City Code; they can only be removed when officials confirm that they’re dead, dying, or dangerous—and in all cases, you’ll need Portland certified arborists to get the job done safely.

Ultimately, it’s best to see these two fields—Horticulture and Arboriculture—as separate jobs best left to their respective professionals, landscapers and arborists. Of course, some Portland arborists also offer extensive landscaping services. However, for the health of your trees and the safety of your family, it’s best to entrust tree services only to certified arborists. If you want more information on when to call an arborist or a landscaper, check out this informative presentation by a group of Tree Care Industry Association board members, and read our blog on How to Select a Certified Arborist.

This post first appeared on https://www.urbanforestprofessionals.com

Your Ultimate Spring Tree Care Checklist

Spring has bounded into the Portland area! As blossoms emerge, it’s time to conduct the following basic tasks for the health of your trees. So as to give your trees a long, productive growing season, it’s best to complete these tasks early in the season, in March and early April. Let’s take a look at the tree care projects Portland homeowners and businesses can tackle to keep trees healthy this spring.

Spring tree careChecklist for Spring Tree Care: Portland ISA Certified Arborists’ Recommendations

Post-Winter Cleanup.
Remove twigs, leaves, and other detritus that may have accumulated beneath and around trees. As we discuss in an earlier post on Portland Spring Tree Care Tips, warmer weather signals the time to remove any protective plastic or coverings you may have had in place during the cold winter months.

Inspect Trees for Damage & Disease.
Look for obvious signs of tree disease, including broken branches, holes, molds, and fungi. Also notice which branches do not put out blossoms or leaves—these are likely dead and ready to be pruned away, ideally by a professional Portland tree pruning service, such as Urban Forest Pros. Winter desiccation, also known as “winter burn,” can occur when plants dry out in cold winter conditions. Winter sunscald is another challenge; it manifests as vertical cracks in tree bark. Discoloration is another clue that something may be amiss. For instance, some plants will yellow if they receive too much water. If you have questions about damage, call an experienced arborist for sound information. Our Portland ISA-certified arborists can recommend when to remove branches, when to add supportive cables, and when it’s best to remove the whole tree, rather than risk it crashing down in the next storm.

Plant New Trees
Trees bring dozens of benefits to your home or business! They reduce noise levels, stabilize soil, and give wildlife a place to perch. Trees also increase property values while decreasing energy costs. Spring is a good time to add trees to your property, as their roots will have enough time to dig in before scorching summer temperatures hit. Of course, every tree species has its own preferences, so feel free to contact us with questions about the best time to plant a new tree.

Add Mulch. Mulch serves several purposes: It provides protective cooling during the hottest, driest parts of the year; it helps trees retain moisture; and it minimizes weed growth. Trees that are fewer than 10 years old should definitely be mulched, but trees of all ages benefit from mulching. Just be sure to leave a clear space right around the trunk; otherwise, damaging disease will have an easy foothold.

Water & Fertilize. Once the soil has thawed, water your trees to keep their soil moist on dry days.
Fertilization can also be done in the spring months. Fertilizer is a good idea whenever soil lacks the macronutrients and micronutrients that trees need to thrive. To figure out if an established tree needs fertilization, observe its shoot growth, i.e., the growth that happens in a single year. In general, shoot growth of less than 2 inches indicates a fertilizer may be required. Of course, certified arborists take many other factors into account when prescribing the best fertilization approach. Beyond soil testing, foliage color and the history of the yard should also be considered. As far as timing goes, it’s ideal to provide slow-release fertilizer prior to the tree’s springtime growth spurt. While fertilization timing varies by location, by soil conditions, and by species, a good rule of thumb is to apply fertilizer as soon as the ground is workable in the spring.

From Portland tree removal to pruning to fertilization, you can count on Urban Forest Pros, your Portland tree experts, for springtime tree care. Our customers love how we go the extra mile when providing tree service. Portland-ers are so pleased with our work that they’ve given us four back-to-back Angie’s List Super Service Awards, putting us in the top 5% of our field. Call us today to arrange a springtime tree assessment for your home.

This post first appeared on https://www.urbanforestprofessionals.com

Oregon’s November Freeze Damage: Fruit Growers Seek Solutions

Icy Tree by OakleyOriginals, on Flickr.comA sudden cold snap last December damaged many fruit trees in Hood River, The Dalles, and northeastern Oregon. Some parts of the Mid-Columbia area saw temperatures dip below zero. Regional experts say such a damaging freeze hasn’t hit the area since 1955. Trees weren’t prepared for such cold temperatures at that time of year. In just a few days, conditions went from sixty degrees to five degrees or less. This killed many young trees and damaged spur wood. According to the East Oregonian, some growers near Milton-Freewater have already removed trees killed by the cold spell.

As Portland certified arborists, we’d like to dive into the biology behind why this cold snap caused such extensive fruit tree damage. Typical spring freezes damage blossoms. As this thorough chart from the Michigan State University extensions program shows, the extent of freeze damage depends upon bud development stage. At the swollen bud stage, for instance, sweet cherries can withstand 30 minutes of 23-degree temperature without damage. On the other end of the blossom spectrum, sweet cherries in full bloom can take 30 minutes of 29-degree weather without damage. Orchard managers are accustomed to freezing temperatures affecting blossoms themselves, and as such they know how to respond to keep fruit trees healthy and maximize blossoming.

However, last December’s frigid temperatures caused serious damage to fruit trees’ spur wood, which is the short twig on older branches that produces blossoms. Mike Omeg of Omeg orchards has found damage to 1-, 2-, and 3-year-old spur wood. The spur wood connects fruiting buds to the branch. Its connective tissue carries nutrients to the blossoms. By cutting back branch sections, orchard managers can get a visual understanding of freeze damage. Green and white tissue with no browning indicates no damage. However, Omeg and others have found that some spurs are showing browning caused by cold. Brown tissue appears after cells freeze and burst open. The brown tint is caused by sugars and other leaking cellular contents. That brown tissue is dead. Because the spur cells are so important in transporting nutrients to buds, orchard managers are concerned that their trees may not be able to bloom at all if spur damage is extensive.

Omeg recommends that orchard managers modify their pruning program to accommodate this freeze damage. First, he recommends that Hood River and Portland tree services get a sample of every orchard block. By categorizing spur and bud samples from each block of trees as healthy (all white and green tissue), damaged (some brown tissue), or dead (no visible green, almost all brown tissue), managers can make decisions about how to go forward with pruning.

If all the spurs on a branch are dead, that branch is finished. Buds will never grow there again because there is no way for the spurs to transfer nutrients. So it makes sense to cut away dead spur branches. However, this must be balanced with harvest costs. If too many branches are cut away, the orchard will have no way to stay economically viable, as there will be too few cherries to harvest and sell. Additionally, orchard managers must keep a close look out for borer insects and canker disease, which are likely to exploit weakened fruit trees. (This is also a smart thing to inquire after with your own local tree service.)

Portland, OR consumers could be seeing a reduced number of stone fruits (peaches, cherries, and plums) this spring, due to the spur wood damage from December’s cold temperatures. Apples growth could be hampered as well. Industry experts say we should expect 25% less sweet cherry production in the Mid-Columbia area. That could potentially drive up fruit prices.

To protect weakened trees from diseases, Omeg is planning a proactive approach of copper spray application. Copper is an effective spray for preventing many fruit tree diseases. However, overusing copper spray can cause a toxic build-up of copper in the soil. If you’re concerned about the health of your fruit trees, give us a call. Our professional arborists will be happy to visit your property and recommend effective solutions.

This post first appeared on https://www.urbanforestprofessionals.com

Negative Impacts of Construction on Living Tree Health

Driving around the Rose City, it’s easy to surmise that construction is up. According to Barry and Associates, 9,300 apartments have been built in the Portland area since 2013. And more than 20,000 more units have been proposed or are currently under construction. Any thriving urban landscape is perpetually changing, and Portland’s new edifices bode well for our city’s economic health. But how does all this construction affect city trees?

Salem residents are asking that question about parking lot construction at the Salem Hospital. Neighbors say the hospital is violating Land Use requirements for a scaled-back parking lot. Their concern stems from the hospital’s action of clearing an 8 ½ acre property, and cutting down 32 trees in the process. Protective orange netting has been placed around remaining trees, but much of the netting is placed within the trees’ drip zones and critical root zones. That means heavy equipment is rolling over the trees roots, potentially causing lasting damage.

To appreciate why this is problematic, let’s dive into a bit of arboreal biology. Picture a tree like a wine glass; the cup is the branches and leaves, while the foot of the wine glass represents the tree’s drip line—where the branches drop water into the underlying soil. Meanwhile, the tree’s roots can extend far beyond the drip line. An older tree’s critical root radius may be double that of its drip line radius.

When heavy equipment is parked or driven over critical root zones, underlying soil is compacted, and air, moisture, and nutrients are less able to reach the tree’s roots. Some species are more sensitive to root compaction than others. White pines are very sensitive to this problem, while river birches are more tolerant.

This is only one of several ways that construction work can damage trees.

Constrcution near urban treesConstruction: Negative Impacts on Trees

• Root cutting may occur when excavators rip through the soil within a tree’s critical root radius.
• Soil compaction can stem from heavy construction equipment and supplies being piled beneath trees’ drip zones. Compacted soils pose other threats; for one thing, compacted soil cannot absorb as much water, and will be far more prone to flooding.
• Smothering roots by adding more soil can cause the tree equivalent of suffocation. Most of a tree’s nutrient absorption happens within the first foot of soil. Adding as little as an inch or two of extra soil can have a significant negative impact on tree absorption.
Trunk and crown injuries may happen when construction equipment tears up bark or branches.
Removal of surrounding trees may leave standing trees more vulnerable to sun, wind, and ice damage.

As Portland arborists, we know how much Portlanders love their trees! If you’re a homeowner who’s planning a remodel, have no fear. Our Portland certified arborists are happy to visit your site and provide professional recommendations on how to best protect beloved trees. When seeking to protect trees against construction, Portland tree services (including Urban Forest Pros) would recommend taking the following steps:

1. Plan with a professional arborist. Discuss suggested grade changes (which could suffocate roots), trenches (which could sever roots) and routes for construction machinery (which could compact soil).
2. Boost tree health prior to construction. The healthier that your trees are before construction stress, the more likely they are to survive remodeling work. Work with your arborist to improve soil health and fertilize as needed.
3. Require contractors to install barriers around trees that will be preserved. Team up with your arborist to ensure that these barriers are properly placed at or beyond the drip line, to protect trees’ roots. To add bite to your bark, include fines for violating tree barriers in your written construction specs. Include similar language and priorities when working with any landscaping crews once construction is complete.
4. Layer wood bark mulch over root zones that cannot be included within protective barriers. Six to twelve inches of mulch can help minimize compaction. Note: Be sure to remove mulch as soon as possible, as it can limit tree nutrient uptake if left in place too long.
5. Keep an eye on tree health during construction. Regularly visit the construction site to see that trees are doing well. Consistently water the protected root zones of your trees during construction to avoid water stress. Ongoing observation will allow you to quickly spot any damage, photograph it, and immediately notify the contractor of written agreement violations. During your visits, also check that protective barriers are still in place as originally set.
6. Arrange for post-construction assessment of tree health. After the remodeling project is complete, arrange another visit with your UFP arborist. He or she can spot any new damage and provide treatment to keep your trees healthy.

The City of Portland has legislation in place to protect trees and other landscaping during commercial construction. Homeowners can review those guidelines for additional construction recommendations. Finally, we’re always happy to provide information on protecting trees from construction—just call us!

This post first appeared on https://www.urbanforestprofessionals.com

Winter Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

Join us this Saturday for a winter fruit tree pruning workshop with Urban Forest Pro’s certified Jeff M. Hosted by Portland Fruit Tree Project (PFTP), this workshop is complimentary for homeowners who have fruit trees registered with PFTP, and just $25 for all others. It will be held in the Collins View neighborhood of Portland.

Workshop instructor Jeff M is our Head of Sales and Career Development. He began learning the tree trade as a sapling, under the tutelage of his father. Jeff kick started his first tree service firm in Colorado seventeen years ago. In 2000, he moved to the Portland area and founded Urban Forest Pro. Today, he is an ISA-certified arborist with more than 24 years of experience in all things arboriculture, including Portland tree pruning service. He trains new arborists and emphasizes the importance of education for Urban Forest Pro’s arborists and customers. Jeff is thrilled to be sharing his expertise on winter tree service!

Portland workshop participants can expect the following agenda for our workshop:Winter fruit tree pruning

  • 9:45-10:00am – Attendees arrive, create nametags, and receive an informational packet.
  • 10:00am – Welcome from Portland Fruit Tree Project’s Jake Reynolds. Jake will introduce the instructor and participants. He will also provide an overview of Portland Fruit Tree Project’s offerings.
  • 10:15am – 11:15am – Jeff presents in-depth information on proper winter pruning for fruit trees.
  • 11:15am – 11:35am — Hands-on learning begins! Workshop attendees will put their newly acquired knowledge to work, first by taping potential cuts. The group will then review suggested cuts according to the information Jeff provided. Finally, the participants will start pruning trees.
  • 12:35pm – Site clean up begins. Jeff distributes workshop surveys to participants.
  • 12:50pm – Jake leads reflection circle and wrap-up.
  • 1:00pm – Workshop concludes.

Those who sign up for this workshop can expect to walk away with a basic vocabulary of tree pruning terms. They’ll learn how heading cuts differ from thinning cuts, as well as why apical (terminal) buds grow more robustly than lateral buds. Water spouts, suckers, and other growth to remove will be covered in this workshop, as will the “3 Ds” of pruning (removing diseased, dead/dying, and disoriented branches first). Finally, the basic why, when, and how of fruit tree pruning will be discussed.

Anyone with fruit trees on their property would be wise to attend this workshop. For those who are unable to participate, stay tuned to this blog for pruning information, and check out the articles we’ve already posted on Portland Winter Tree Care and Why Winter Pruning is Best for Fruit Trees.

This post first appeared on https://www.urbanforestprofessionals.com

The Current State of Bee Health & the Impact on Trees

Rachel Carson’s 1962 landmark work Silent Spring spurred a whole generation to take action against DDT pesticides. In that book, Carson showed how careless, widespread pesticide use killed insects and the species that ate them, including many songbirds. Carson also connected pesticides to many cancers. Today, millions of bees die each year. While their demise is still puzzling, many scientists believe a new class of pesticides, neonicotinoids, is driving the bee holocaust.

bee pollinating tree blossomThe Declining Health of Pollinators
Since 2006, beekeepers have reported massive bee die-offs, formally termed Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). For the last decade, many beekeepers report losing 30% or more of their hive populations annually. The winter of 2012 was especially harmful for bees; many keepers lost 40%-50% of their hives. While a federal report found that fewer bee deaths occurred in the winter of 2013 compared to the previous winter, the overall picture for bee health is still grim.

How Declining Pollinator Health Impacts Trees and Agriculture in General
Bees are one of the globe’s top pollinators. According to the USDA, one third of all American agriculture is dependent on pollination, and certain crops are heavily dependent on bees in particular. Without bees around to pollinate, we could be facing a serious food shortage (not to mention an ugly planet).

Many trees depend on pollinators to take pollen from one blossom to another, thereby transferring genetic material. While some trees can self-pollinate, many cannot. Apples, pears, almonds, and dozens of other crops require cross-pollination to produce fruit.

During spring blooms, orchards depend on bees and other pollinators to facilitate pollen distribution, which is a precursor to fruit development. Without adequate pollination, fruit may be tiny, deformed, and sluggish to ripen, if present at all. To date, only the most pollinator-dependent crops have suffered damage due to bee shortages. In 2012, for instance, California’s almond farmers scrambled to find the 1.6 million bee colonies needed to pollinate the state’s 800,000 acres of almond orchards.

Recently, over 100 businesses sent a letter to the White House calling for the EPA to suspend neonicotinoids, a type of pesticides that more than 30 studies have linked to bee death. Neonicotinoids, or “neonics,” are the most commonly used pesticides across the globe. As research has revealed, neonics cause short- and long-term memory loss in bees; they can even cause bees to forget what food smells like. These businesses, many of which are food manufacturers, wrote to express their deep concern “about the continued and unsustainable loss of bees and other essential pollinator populations.” The letter continues to explain, “Bee losses have a ripple effect across the entire economy, and in many cases, affect our bottom line.”

Scientists are quick to highlight the fact that these bee deaths likely have multiple causes, including bee pathogens and mites. However, some etymologists have hypothesized that neonics weaken bees’ immune systems, allowing diseases to take root.

What’s Being Done about Declining Pollinator Health

Europe has already banned neonics, and some American cities are following suit. Last February, Eugene became the first city in the nation to ban the use of neonicotinoids. Spokane has also banned the pesticides. The National Fish and Wildlife Service is phasing out neonic use in its parks. Lastly, the Oregon Department of Agriculture has put temporary restrictions on the use of certain neonicotinoid chemicals. As tree lovers, we believe more awareness is required to protect pollinators across the country.

How you Can Help Protect Pollinators
Always select the least toxic pesticide. The Portland arborists at Urban Forest Pros can help you decide on which pesticide will do the least amount of harm while still shielding your trees from pests.
Advocate for bee health by talking to friends and family about this important topic. For instance, while chatting about a recent order for tree service, Portland homeowners can mention their love for bees, and the connections between bee health and neonic pesticides.
Sign up for volunteer opportunities to help spread the word and to provide homes for bees. The Portland-based non-profit Xerces Society has excellent resources for concerned citizens.
–Vote for politicians who have made pollinator health a top priority.
–Plant trees that attract honeybees, such as maples, oaks, sumacs, and California laurels.
–Consider keeping bees yourself. Portland is home to dozens of bee events, non-profits, and commercial bee keeping supply companies.

To learn about which bee-attracting trees would be appropriate for your yard, give us a call. We would be delighted to provide information on which species would thrive in your location.

This post first appeared on https://www.urbanforestprofessionals.com

Portland Winter Tree Care Tips

As Portland certified arborists, we start looking for signs of spring after the winter holidays have passed. Even in January, smack Winter Tree care

dab in the middle of winter, you can find clues that spring is on its way. Buds on many deciduous plants are swelling, storing energy for upcoming blossoms. Witch hazel is blooming, as are some plum trees. And dry days allow gardeners to get outside and plan for the approaching growing season. January is also the perfect time to check for tree damage. Read on to learn tasks Portland homeowners can do to keep their trees healthy this month.

In January, the lack of leaves facilitates tree checkups. Checking the health of your trees during the winter is extremely important. To assess tree health, choose a dry day to walk around and examine trees from every angle. Winter conditions can lead to tree damage. Frost cracking damage can occur on the trees’ southwest side, where winter sunlight causes wide temperature swings. Early winter frosts can kill autumn growth; frost ice crystals burst cell walls at the tips of branches. Dry, cold conditions can cause winter drought, in which the tree cannot pull enough moisture from the frozen ground. Rodents desperate for food at this time of year may chew on bark or cones. And of course, branches may break in high winds, ice storms, and snow. Protecting your fruit trees is also important. Winter tree spraying in Portland is a great way to protect your fruit trees from being vulnerable to insects and diseases.

How to Protect Trees From Winter

Here’s how homeowners can protect their trees in winter, they can start with having a tree assessment done by an Urban Forest certified arborist. Also, homeowners can conduct a preliminary appraisal of tree health by walking their properties and checking for:

  1. Consistent Bark texture and coloration. Bumps, growths, dark spots, sap trails, and white or yellow tinges can all signify tree sickness. Peeling bark may indicate an underlying dead layer of tissue, and is a sign that you should contact a certified arborist for assistance.
  2. Decay fungus. Have you noticed circular fungi growing outward on your trees? This formation is called a conch; it is a woody mushroom that signifies that there is decay inside the tree. You may also find decay fungi growing on the ground immediately below a tree. In either case, call us. Our arborists can track down the decay and suggest appropriate responses.
  3. Strong Joints. A tree joint is the place where a branch meets the trunk. Keep an eye out for cracks in the joints; weakness in joints often precipitates falling limbs. This is especially key for multiple-stem trees with more than one leader. A narrow angle of connection between adjacent branches, with a crack extending below the joint, is especially indicative of a weak joint. It’s better to take care of any joint weaknesses early, so that you still have the option to thin the tree or add a support cable (rather than cut the whole tree down because it is so unstable and likely to fall in a storm).
  4. Sprouts. If a tree is in distress, it will often put out new sprouts at the trunk base, or from wounds. An arborist should be called in to detect what is stressing a sprouting tree.
  5. Cracks and Splits anywhere in a tree suggest weakness. Moreover, these indentations allow moisture into the tree, which can eventually lead to rot.
  6. Dead branches, which could come crashing down in high winds and otherwise stormy conditions.

Once your assessment is done, consider adding mulch as protection. Create a ring of wood chips, at a depth of 2-4 inches, extending in a two foot radius away from the base of the tree, leaving a slight mulch-free gap around the trunk. Mulch helps prevent soil compaction and root suffocation.

We do not recommend that homeowners attempt to prune trees at this time of year. While we understand your desire to clean up after storms, improper pruning can cause significant damage. As Paul Ries, Oregon Department of Forestry urban forester explains, “It’s often the case that more trees become damaged as a result of improper post-storm activities, than were damaged directly by a storm.” Correct pruning can improve tree health; incorrect pruning breeds tree disease. Contact a professional for any pruning concerns you may have. As trees are dormant in the winter month, pruning can be accomplished effectively, and with minimal damage to surrounding plants (which are also dormant).

January is also part of planting season, although most gardeners will be spending this time planning for the spring. Before tree planting, Portland residents should:

  • Consider space availability. Ensure enough room for the mature tree’s crown and root system.
  • Check for overhead hazards, such as utility lines. Also double check that the tree won’t be growing downward into underground obstructions.
  • Note surrounding soil conditions. Different tree species will prefer sandy, clay-heavy, or well-drained soils.
  • Think about Water Availability. Will there be enough water to keep the tree healthy? Think about how you will water the tree if the spot you’ve chosen doesn’t stay moist naturally.
  • Select Species According to your Goals. What functions should the tree provide? Are you looking for shade, wind protection, or an enchanting scent? Your preferences will be the main factors in tree selection.

Contact the Experts of Winter Tree Care in Portland

If you’re considering planting a new tree, or you’re concerned that your tree may be sick, contact your local Portland arborists for expert advice. Look for experienced, established professionals. Oftentimes, “doorknockers,” who go from door to door peddling tree services, lack knowledge on proper tree care. Such inexperienced, unlicensed, and uninsured Portland tree services may actually cause serious damage to your trees, through “topping” and other careless pruning approaches. At Urban Forest Pro, our arborists are fully certified and insured. We know that your trees are important to you, and also checking the health of your trees during the winter. We use the best equipment and materials in order to ensure that our job is professional and reliable. At Urban Forest Pro, you can be positive that you are truly in the hands of a qualified expert. Call us today for Portland tree services.

This post first appeared on https://www.urbanforestprofessionals.com

Pruning Fruit Trees in Oregon

pruning fruit trees oregonWhen to Do It & What to Do With Extra Fruit

In this article we discuss why December and January are the ideal months for fruit tree pruning. Read on for fruit tree-pruning tips, including whom to contact for tree pruning services. We also discuss a common conundrum for fruit tree owners: What to do with extra fruit.

Why Prune Fruit Trees in the Winter? Annual pruning is important for all fruit trees. Winter is the best season for pruning fruit trees, because this is when they are dormant. During the cold months, the plant is in an inactive state, storing up energy for the following growth cycle. Energy gathered from summer sunlight is stored in the tree’s roots. At the end of the branches, new buds are starting to form for the next growth and fruiting cycle. Winter is well suited for training branches to grow into the shape of your choice; removing water sprouts (branches growing straight up); and eliminating crossed branches.

DIY Fruit Tree Pruning Tips. You may have heard that tree trimming is best left to professionals. This is generally true, but as Portland tree pruning experts, we consider fruit tree pruning accessible for most homeowners.

Safety First. Of course, you should always prioritize safety first when pruning. Working at height is rife with fall hazards. Assuming you’re following safety precautions, it’s empowering to learn how to properly prune and train your fruit trees.

Here are some useful fruit tree pruning tips for those in the DIY crowd:

1. Use the Right Tools. Of course, pruning requires a set of decent pruning shears, as well as a sharpening stone to keep the blade sharp. You may also want a quality pair of two-handed loppers (AKA brush cutters), and a pruning saw. Expect to pay between $100 and $250 in total for these three items. Additionally, you might need to purchase a pruning ladder to access upper branches.
2. Understand the Basics of Pruning. Hormones dictate plant growth, so understanding the flow and cycle of these hormones is paramount to understanding how your cuts will affect plant growth down the road. With experience, you’ll get a feel for the art and science of pruning, as you anticipate how the tree reacts to your cuts. This is the expertise that our certified arborists have spent decades honing. The basics, for beginners to keep in mind, follow.

You’ll definitely want to prune away diseased and dying branches. Crossed limbs should also be removed. Next, cut away water sprouts and suckers, which grow near the base of the trunk, from the roots, or at the top of the tree. Finally, imagine throwing a cat through the tree. It may sound crazy, but this visual is a good rule of thumb to remember how much to prune away. You can also visualize where you want the tree to look like in five years, and remove branches that don’t fit that vision. Such pruning will help to open the center of the tree to improve air circulation and sunlight absorption.

cherry tree urban forest pro oregonProper Portland tree pruning is all about cutting into the branch in a purposeful way. Avoid cutting into the branch collar, a swollen, wrinkled area that forms where the branch and trunk meet. This is where the tree heals from a cut. To prevent heavy branches from breaking (and inviting disease) use three cuts: 
a) Place the blade about an inch above the branch collar on the underside of the branch you wish to remove.
b) Cut all the way across the branch, cutting from the topside of the branch down, with the blade just beyond the first cut you made.
c) Finally, cut away the nub, slicing off the section remaining above the branch collar.

3. Know your limits. Even with a good pruning ladder (the three-legged variety), pruning at the top of the ladder can be scary, risky, and downright dangerous. Don’t exceed your limits. If the situation feels unsafe, than it’s probably best to call a licensed and bonded professional who carries their own insurance.

What to do with Extra Fruit. Excess fruit can be a hassle to deal with. If you simply cannot use or harvest all the fruit your tree produces, there is a solution: the Portland Fruit Tree Project. This inspirational non-profit group registers Portland nut and fruit trees, harvests their crops, and distributes the proceeds to those in need. We are happy to help the Portland Fruit Tree Project harvest thousands of pounds of fruits and nuts per year. The Portland Fruit Tree Project also hosts hands-on workshops to teach homeowners about tree care and preservation.

How Urban Forest Pro can Help. We wish you the best of luck as you learn more about winter pruning and fruit tree care in general. If you have any questions, or would like a check up for your fruit trees, we would love to help. Contact us today to schedule a visit from a one of our certified arborists.

This post first appeared on https://www.urbanforestprofessionals.com

Portland Tree Permit Series: Permit Required for Private Properties

Starting in January 2015, most Portland tree removal projects will require a permit, in accordance with the city’s new Title 11 tree legislation.

The Title 11 Tree Plan (or the Citywide Tree Policy Review and Regulatory Improvement Project as it is formally known) was Urban Forest Pro tree removal services

passed in 2011, but full implementation was postponed until 2015. Title 11 set new guidelines on tree removal and pruning within Portland city limits. Previously, we have discussed timing your tree projects for completion before the new statute takes effect. We’ve also written an in-depth piece on all aspects of the Title 11 Trees rule. This post recaps important points as a friendly reminder to prepare for Title 11 now.

Here is an overview of some of the important changes that are taking place according to Title 11:

Improved Customer Service. An overall higher level of customer service is planned. New city staff members are being hired and a tree-only website is being built.

Focus on Preservation. New tree regulations focus on preservation first, especially for development projects. Developers are being asked to preserve existing trees whenever possible. Guidelines have also been revisited for Heritage Trees.

Clarity and Consolidation of City Regulations. Title 11 (Trees) and Title 33 (Land Use) will be consolidated. Coordination between these agencies will be improved.

Monitoring and Program Review. The new program will include more staff, program inspectors, and monitors that will continue to review policy and regulatory action.

Rules for Removal and Planting. What are the new rules going into effect this January, and how will the average homeowner be affected? The main change is that you will need a permit to remove any tree with a diameter of 12″ or more, and for trees that have been categorized as Heritage Trees. A fee is also required to remove these trees. These new regulations extend backyard trees, street trees, and trees that are from special overlay zones or plan districts. A permit will also be required to prune Heritage Trees.

Learning more. The city of Portland is making an effort to educate the citizens about the benefits of maintaining a healthy urban forest. The urban forest is vital to the lives to the lives of the people of Portland and to the sustainability of the city itself, as our green canopy provides both functional and aesthetic value. The city estimates that for every dollar spent on maintaining a healthy urban forest, we get three of value in return. Property owners play an important role in maintaining the urban forest and are expected to be aware of regulations. Those who do not educate themselves and follow the new guidelines may face fines.

Working with the City. Property owners can request a permit with City of Portland’s Urban Forestry department. The permit cost $35. Owners are requested to mark the tree in question with an orange ribbon, and a city arborist will be by within a week to inspect and (hopefully) approve the removal permit. In some cases, a pruning permit will be issued instead.

There are a number of circumstances that merit removal, namely dead, dying, or dangerous trees. Reasons that do not merit consideration for removal include:
–Excessive tree droppings (leaves, flowers, etc.)
–The tree is too tall and obstructs the view,
–The tree is perceived as making too much shade, and
–Excessive cost of maintenance.
Hazards that can be remedied by pruning will not be approved for removal.

Call Urban Forest Pro. While the city does try to make it easy for the average homeowner to obtain a permit, working with a professional tree service or arborist will speed up the process and is a convenient option. Our arborists will inspect your tree or trees, and apply for the proper permits. If we can’t offer tree removal services, because the tree doesn’t qualify according to new city regulations, we will let you know and suggest alternatives. You can count on us for a professional and timely response. Call us today and we will be glad to take a look at your trees.

This post first appeared on https://www.urbanforestprofessionals.com

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