Reasons to be Thankful for Trees

Reasons to be Thankful for Trees

thankful for treesLife in central Indiana is good.  There is so much to be thankful for every day.  However, in November we give our blessings more thought than usual.  As you consider all the reasons you have to be thankful, don’t forget about trees.  Though you may rarely give trees a thought, they really do make life better in a variety of ways.  Here are just a few reasons to be thankful for trees:

Trees Encourage Better Breathing

Breathing is so natural that we rarely consider how reliant we are on our ability to breath in and out.  Yet the reality is that without the ability to breath, we cannot live.  In order for breathing to continue, we must have breathable air.  Trees contribute to the air composition in a significant way.  Their natural processes actually use carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, which people and animals need for life.  Trees (along with other plants) ensure a constant supply of oxygen for animal respiration.

Trees Reduce Pollution

Not only do trees provide the necessary constituents of our air, but they also reduce the pollutants that can affect air.  Odors, gases, and particles that pollute the air can be absorbed by the leaves and wood of a tree.  In this way, trees act as a natural air filter.  Trees also help to reduce water pollution by conducting water into the ground where it can be absorbed.  This reduces runoff and allows water to instead soak into the ground, where the soil filters out pollutants.

Trees Conserve Water and Energy

It’s terrible to waste the resources we have.  Trees help us to steward our natural resources, especially water and energy.  They help keep the nearby environment cooler by providing shade and by releasing water vapor into the air.  When trees are planted near homes and businesses, they diminish the amount of energy that is needed to cool these buildings.  Trees also reduce the rate of evaporation from the ground and keep more moisture available for lawns and other plants.

Trees Create a Functioning Habitat

In nature, organisms need each other.  Trees are no exception.  Many other plants and animals rely on the trees that they share an environment with.  Some animals nest in the branches of trees.  Others enjoy the shelter trees provide.  Some trees also provide food for animals.  The loss of trees from a habitat would have a destructive effect.

Trees Provide Resources

Not only do trees provide life-giving resources to surrounding animals, they also provide resources to people.  Wood from trees has long been a source of heating as well as a durable building material.  Trees also provide some of the best food that nature has to offer.  Fruit trees, such as apples and cherries, and nut trees, including walnuts, hickory nuts, and chestnuts, can easily be grown right here in central Indiana.

Trees Increase Property Values

The beauty of trees is obvious.  Whether the buds of early spring, the full green foliage of summer, or the brilliant colors of fall, trees attract our attention and please our eyes.  Trees bring beauty to any property and thereby raise the desirability and value of the property.  Since trees are relatively inexpensive to plant and maintain, they make good investments for any property, whether commercial or residential.

Trees Improve Relationships and Wellbeing

Imagine your neighborhood without trees.  If all the trees disappeared, would it make a difference in how you felt about yourself and your neighbors?  Research says that it would.  Trees provide many intangible benefits to individuals and communities.  They help bring a sense of unity by giving people comfortable places to gather together.  In addition, just enjoying the beauty of trees can comfort us and improve our overall outlook.

With all that trees contribute to the world, we should be thankful for them.  We should also take good care of them and ensure that they will endure for many years to come.  Ping’s can assist you in your tree care efforts.  Call us at 317-298-8482 to enlist our help with planting, fertilizing, trimming, or treating trees for pests or diseases.

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