Having a tree cut down and removed from your home or business may seem like an easy task for an individual, But there are many factors you should take in to consideration. The location of the tree, the health, size and potential hazards must be considered. Every year people get hurt and some are killed by attempting to cut down trees or even just cutting limbs. At Red’s Tree Service we have highly trained technicians and the right equipment to safely remove your trees in a short amount of time. We have a process we follow in determining the correct steps to be taken in order to make ever.

The Evaluation and Estimate
An Arborist will set up an appointment with you. We will then identify the potential hazards there may be. By hazards we mean anything that is on or around the tree that we may come into contact with when removing the tree. In order to remove the tree safely the more of those hazards we can eliminate means less equipment we will need to bring out and the less time it will take to remove the tree, which equates to less cost to the client. An example may be if your electrical line runs under the limbs of the tree we would need to call the utility company for a service drop while we were removing the tree. Another example may be if the trees has large limbs over your house we may need to bring a crane in to remove the tree. After we determine what is needed to safely remove the tree we will go over the process with you. It may seem a little overwhelming but we do this everyday and we will make the process flow smoothly.
The scheduled date
After you have agreed to the terms our office administrator will set up a date that works for everyone. You will know in advance what equipment we will be bringing out, if any utility lines have to be dropped (which we will facilitate) and how long they will be down. If any cars need to be moved, pets put up, etc. Then from there we will establish a work zone. Set up our equipment. And proceed to remove tree.

One thing I would like to stress to the public is to make sure whoever you use to perform tree services is that the company has general liability and workers compensation insurance. Obviously you want a skilled professional to perform the work but in the event that something goes wrong you want to make sure the company is responsible for any damages or injuries.
Please call us for a free tree evaluation. 901-848-5323
This post first appeared on https://redstreeservice.com