Month: January 2023

Caring for Your Crepe Myrtle

When it comes to gorgeous, long-lasting summer blossoms, there isn’t much that can compare to the prolific and lovely crape myrtle. The Crape Myrtle, or Lagerstroemia Lythracae, is a lovely class of flowering trees and shrubs of around 50 different species. Also known as loosestrife, the crape (or crepe) myrtle is a highly diverse plant. For instance, did you know that some are deciduous, others are evergreen, and they can range in size from barely a foot to over 100 feet tall? It’s true! The dwarf myrtle averages at around 3 feet, while the Lord Crepe Myrtle (pretty accurate name, if we don’t say) towers at around 34 meters or 111 feet! 

No matter the species, the crepe myrtle all come together in their highly desirable landscaping features. Features such as their gorgeous delicate frilly and rippled blooms, the peeling bark with the distinct texture that comes with it, and a color palette ranging from deep purple and lavender to ivory, gleaming white, light pink, magenta, and a deep red ensure that the crepe myrtle is a standout in any environment. 

Their native range is vast, and local species can be found from India to Asia and Indonesia to Australia. From as far North as Central China to the bottom of the world, you can find them just about anywhere! Not only that, but they’ve taken hold in the United States in a major way and can be found growing wild all throughout the nation.  

Yes, the crepe myrtle is an incredible and varied plant, perfect for your home and garden no matter what the style. But what do we need to do to ensure that our crape myrtle thrives? Well, that’s just what this reading is all about! Keep going to learn all about caring for your crepe myrtle. 

Uses of Crepe Myrtle 

Cultivated from California to Japan and everywhere in between, particularly in tropical and subtropical climates where the warm weather really lets them thrive and bloom as long as possible, the crepe myrtle is popular as a colorful hedge or a fantastically decorative privacy screen. Additionally, larger trees can make a really stunning focal point, and attention-grabbing spectacle no matter the landscape. Due to their incredible size diversity, certain species can even be cultivated in containers. 

Crape myrtles are cultivated worldwide, most often in tropical and subtropical climates where the warm weather helps them to thrive and show off their outstanding beauty. These plants are often used as colorful hedges or privacy screens, while larger plants make amazing focal points and eye-catching specimens in any landscape. Smaller varieties may even be grown in containers.

Caring for Your Crepe Myrtle

How to care for your crepe myrtle

Provided you live in the right climate, meaning anywhere from tropical to at least somewhat temperate, your crape myrtle is a fairly low-maintenance option for the amount of flair it can bring to your landscape or garden. However, it DOES require a few specific care points to really ensure those blossoms dazzle. Check out the following list to keep your crape myrtle in stunning form: 

  • Place in Full Sunlight

Your crape myrtle wants at least 6 hours of full sunlight to thrive. Any less and blossoms won’t be as numerous, and their colors may be less vibrant than you would like. 

  • Use Healthy and Proper Soil

You’ll be happy to know that the crape myrtle isn’t particularly demanding when it comes to regulating the ph of the soil. However, you’ll find they do best in neutral to a slightly acidic substrate. One tip to remember is that a crape myrtle should be planted in a well-draining area, however, as the plant is prone to root rot if left in too much water. 

  • Lightly Fertilize 
  • A slow-release fertilizer high in nitrogen will optimize your crape myrtle’s flowers and growth. Just make sure not to overfertilize with a choice that promotes leaf growth, or the green may push your flowers out of the picture! 
  • Get Ahold of Fungus Early 
  • It’s important to watch out for powdery mildew, as well as other fungal infections such as sooty mold. Treatment with a general fungicide can work wonders to avoid an infected plant. 
  • Prune Lightly in Winter or Early Spring
  • The crape myrtle is a new wood-blooming plant, so it’s important to prune in late winter or early spring in order to stimulate the flowering process. Be sure and remove tangled branches, suckers, and irregular shapes in order to optimize the form of your plant. 
  • Optimize your crepe’s features by exposing the trunk. 
  • The crape myrtle is a beautiful plant with distinctive peeling bark. This is a truly stunning feature, especially on the larger varietals. By pruning away lower branches on roughly the bottom 4-5 feet (depending on the size, of course) of the trunk, you can really unlock the potential of this delicate plant. 
  • Deadhead to stimulate flower growth 
  • You can stimulate flower growth in early-blooming varieties of crape myrtle via judicious deadheading, but remember that this will lead to a decrease in the second bloom. 
Caring for Your Crepe Myrtle

Call Red’s Tree Service for all arboreal needs! 

Crape myrtles are a stunning addition to any type of landscape, no matter if you are looking for a colorful hedge, an eye-catching specimen or just a chromatic burst of floral wonder to add to your yard. If you know how to properly care for these plants, then you can ensure that you have an amazing show of blooms all summer long. 

Red’s Tree Service has the best arborists available in and around Memphis and the surrounding areas, and we know just how to make your landscape pop. Call today to see how good your lawn and garden can look! 

This post first appeared on

Top 5 Landscape Features for Marietta GA Yards

Creating a stunning landscape includes incorporating multiple features

Planning and looking for the best features to enhance your Marietta, Ga landscape? Understanding which landscape features work well together will help you design a yard that can significantly increase your home’s curb appeal and value. gathered the following landscape design principles and features to help you create a stunning Marietta, Georgia, yard.

Landscape Design Principles

The following landscape design principles have been utilized by designers for centuries in all art forms, like painting, construction, landscape design, etc. Consider the following design principles when developing your Marietta, Georgia, front yard landscape concept:

BalanceSymmetrical balance is used in formal landscapes, in which each side mirrors the other. Asymmetrical balance, or informal balance, differs on either side and appears relaxing and free-flowing.

Focal Point – A landscape’s focal point is often a feature close to the front door to enhance the home’s entrance.

Proportion – Landscape design proportion considers building size, yard size, tree, shrub, plant size, and planted areas vs. open space.

Simplicity – Avoid a cluttered landscape by using too many (or clashing) colors, shapes, curves, and textures.

Rhythm – A rhythm is established when landscape features are repeated with standard intervals. Trees, plants, shrubs, stones, benches, or other elements can be repeated within the design to create rhythm.

The colors, shapes, sizes, textures, and other landscape features can easily create a beautifully unified front yard space.

Popular Landscape Features

Front yard landscaping design and its features define your home’s exterior. Your front yard is the most seen part of the property, greeting your guests and visitors before reaching the door and setting the tone for the rest of the house. Consider the following popular landscape features:

1. Front Yard Garden Space

Creating a stunning landscape includes planting a garden

Well-designed, multi-level garden areas showcase your gardening prowess with color, and variety, and when used as borders, can highlight other landscape features, like a pathway, driveway, specimen tree, pond, etc.

Tip: Reduce watering and care requirements by planting native plant species.

2. Landscape Lighting

Creating a stunning landscape includes installing lighting

Landscape lighting improves your home’s safety and security. Well-placed landscape lighting can enhance trees, gardens, and other features in your yard while illuminating a hard-to-see walkway, driveway, or raised steps.

Read more about landscape lighting and its ideal palcement at

3. Front Yard Water Feature

Creating a stunning landscape includes installing water features

Besides creating a focal point, a water feature provides individuality to your landscape. This occurs through the feature’s size, shape, color, design, and placement. Water features give movement to an otherwise still area with rushing water.

Note: Your fountain will attract birds, butterflies, and wildlife to your front yard.

4. Landscape Trees

Creating a stunning landscape includes using trees for specimens or privacy

Specimen trees are excellent front yard focal points while providing shade, offering leafy screens, or framing a picturesque view. A large specimen tree in a vast landscape can add structure and shape to the space.

Using trees for privacy screens helps seclude you from your neighbors’ wandering eyes while providing a lush, green landscape year-round (evergreen species), shielding your property from wind, and creating a beautifully shaded scenery.

Tip: Hire a professional tree service to provide seasonal pruning and care.

5. Front Yard Walkway

Creating a stunning landscape includes installing a walkway

Installing a stone, brick, concrete, gravel, or paved walkway gives guests and visitors a sense of invitation. It simplifies getting to your front door (or other destination), which naturally increases your property’s curb appeal.

You can add visual value to your front yard walkway by bordering it with flowering plants, shrubs, and lighting.

Tip: When installing a walkway, consider applying a slip-resistant surface to avoid slips and injuries during watering cycles and wet weather.

Visualize Your Landscape Design

You can sketch your front yard landscape design by drawing the yard’s outline, penciling in any existing features, then adding any rocks, waterways, structures, slopes, etc. Consider the following app to help you formulate the perfect Marietta, Georgia, landscape design:

iScape – With iScape, you can create an accurate front yard digital model. The app will show you what featuring your favorite trees, shrubs, and plants looks like, so you can visualize the landscape design before beginning your project. The app is user-friendly and can insert objects, move them around, and more.

Landscape Features

In this article, you discovered essential information about landscape design principles, elements, and the value it adds to your home’s curb appeal and value.

Creating a stunning landscape design can add significant value to your home while adding to your neighborhood’s beauty and biodiversity.

Missing the simple but important landscaping features can result in reducing your home’s curb appeal and potential value.


Todd’s Marietta Tree Services

Marietta, GA
(678) 505-0266

For the original version of this article visit:

5 Self-Pollinating Fruit Trees for Alpharetta Georgia Landscapes

Standalone self pollinating flowering and fruiting trees for alpharetta georgia include peach

Need help choosing standalone fruit trees for your Alpharetta, Georgia landscape? Knowing which fruit tree species self-pollinate will help you choose individual fruit-bearing trees that provide your Alpharetta, Georgia landscape with shade, beauty, and delicious fruit. gathered species and growing information for several self-fruiting trees hardy to Alpharetta, Georgia, landscapes.

What is a Self-Pollinating Fruit Tree?

Most fruit trees are self-sterile for their own pollen (requiring a second compatible tree and a pollen vector). However, self-pollinating fruit trees only need their pollen to self-fertilize and bear fruit, and they can be planted as a standalone tree. As the name suggests, these trees do not require pollen vectors (bees, flies, wasps, etc.). Consider the following self-pollinating fruit trees for your Alpharetta, Georgia, landscape:

1. Pomegranate (Punica granatum)

Standalone self pollinating fruit trees for alpharetta georgia include pomegranate

Pomegranates can be grown as large shrubs or small trees with smooth, evergreen leaves, and showy orange to red flowers. It produces rounded and seeded fruit with a dry outer covering.

Mature Size – Pomegranates reach 10 to 20 feet in height and have a 10 to 20-foot spread.
Soil Needs – This species thrives in loam, sandy, and clay well-draining soil with a 5.5 to 7.2 pH.
Sun Requirement – Full sun (minimum 6 hours daily)
Water Needs – Irrigate every 7 to 10 days during dry conditions. Pomegranate trees require approximately 60 inches of water annually.
Fruiting – Pomegranate trees typically produce a harvest two to three years after planting. Most varieties flower from spring into fall and fruits (set in March or April) will be ready for harvest between August and October.
Hardiness Zone – 7 through 10

2. Peach (Prunus persica)

Standalone self pollinating fruit trees for alpharetta georgia include peach

Peach trees typically grow a rounded crown with upward-reaching branches draped in three to six-inch-long, dark green, deciduous leaves.

Mature Size – Peach trees reach 25 feet in height and have a 25-foot spread (when left unpruned).
Soil Needs – This species thrives in lightweight loamy, well-drained soil with a 6.0 to 6.8 pH.
Sun Requirement – Full sun (minimum 6 hours daily)
Water Needs – Irrigate daily with 35 – 40 gallons during summer months. Peach trees require approximately 36 inches of water annually.
Fruiting – Peach trees typically bear fruit 2 to 4 years after planting. A peach tree may bear fruit from June through August, with some species bearing fruit through September.
Hardiness Zone – 4 through 9

3. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca)

Standalone self pollinating fruit trees for alpharetta georgia include apricot

Apricot trees have an upright growth pattern with a broad canopy. The leaves are ovate with a rounded base, pointed tip, and serrated margin. The tree produces white to pink flowers and fleshy yellow to orange fruit. Apricots are self-pollinating, but planting two different varieties (blooming simultaneously) can result in a significantly larger harvest.

Mature Size – Full-size apricot trees reach 25 feet in height and have a 25-foot spread.
Soil Needs – This species thrives in loamy, well-drained soil with a 6.5 to 8.0 pH.
Sun Requirement – Full sun (minimum 6 hours daily)
Water Needs – Provide your apricot tree with an inch of water every ten to 12 days.
Fruiting – Apricot trees typically bear fruit 3 to 4 years after planting. Blooming in early spring only on two-year or older wood. Fruits ripen and should be harvested from June through August.
Hardiness Zone – 4 through 9

4. Fig (Ficus carica)

Standalone self pollinating fruit trees for alpharetta georgia include fig

The common fig tree is a deciduous, multi-trunk tree with smooth, gray bark and a wide but low, open canopy. This species has large multi-lobed, showy, dark green leaves and produces small, inconspicuous flowers.

Mature Size – Fig trees reach 10 to 30 feet in height with a 20-foot spread.
Soil Needs – Figs prefer moist, well-drained, organically rich soil with a 6.0 to 7.5 pH.
Sun Requirement – Full sun (minimum 6 hours daily)
Water NeedsFig trees need 1 to 1-1/2 inches of irrigated water or rainfall per week (minimum).
Fruiting – Most fig trees take three to five years before ripening fruit. Figs typically form on new stem growth each year and ripen from May through November.
Hardiness Zone – 8 through 10 (6 and 7 if protected)

5. Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)

Standalone self pollinating fruit trees for alpharetta georgia include persimmon

The common persimmon is a deciduous tree grown for its beautiful foliage and delicious fruit. When the fruit ripens, they range in color from yellow to red-orange.

Mature Size – Persimmon trees reach 35 to 60 feet in height with a 20 to 30-foot spread.
Soil Needs – Persimmon trees grow best in loamy, well-drained soil with a 6.0 to 6.5 pH.
Sun Requirement – Full sun (minimum 8 hours daily)
Water Needs – Water a persimmon tree for 10 minutes once or twice weekly in the spring and summer. Persimmon trees can withstand short drought periods.
Fruiting – Persimmons are a fall crop typically ripening from early fall through early winter. There are two primary varieties of persimmons (The astringent fruit is consumed when it becomes soft, and the non-astringent fruit is eaten while firm.
Hardiness Zone – 4 through 9

Self-Pollinating Fruit Trees

In this article, you discovered species and planting information for several self-pollinating fruit trees ideal for landscapes in Alpharetta, Georgia.

Knowing which self-pollinating trees to plant in your Alpharetta, Georgia landscape will help you grow magnificent shade trees that provide an abundant annual fruit harvest.

Avoid planting trees that require attention, pollination, or not knowing which self-pollinating species are most suitable for your Alpharetta yard.


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