How to Winterize Your Trees

How to Winterize Your Trees

Preparing trees for winter requires several steps, depending on the type of tree. For example, deciduous trees (those that shed their leaves) use their dormant periods to renew their energy reserves for the coming year’s growth. That makes winter a good time for tree pruning and other maintenance work. Pruning promotes the development of healthy branch structures, and the pruning process rids the tree of any limbs that may have been damaged or diseased.The weather in most urban areas of the Pacific Northwest is mild compared to many other parts of the country. It’s often jokingly suggested that the weather here — especially west of the Cascades — falls into just two categories: wet and dry.

However, as is usually the case, the reality is a little more complex. The people of the great PNW experience four full seasons.

To be sure, the beginning and end of those four seasons rarely conform to the “official” seasonal start and stop dates on the calendar. But make no mistake: Most Northwesterners are more than familiar with tending spring gardens, baking in the hot summer sun, raking piles of fallen leaves and shoveling the occasional mountain of snow.

Homeowners, property owners, commercial developers and others are keenly aware of these duties. It takes a lot of work to maintain yards and common areas so that they’re not only beautiful, well-managed and safe, but conform to local rules and regulations, whether from cities or homeowners associations.

When winter comes a-knockin’, there are extra precautions that must be taken. So let’s take a few moments to focus on winter tree care.

Urban Forest Pro

Our admired and beloved urban tree canopy can pose continuing challenges to property owners, especially in winter. Damaged branches can fall onto people, structures, vehicles and power lines. Soggy winter weather can lead to tree splits, cracks and root problems.

We’ve covered many of these winter tree care challenges in the Urban Forest Pro blog, but it’s worth taking a deeper dive into some of the specifics.

First, though, it’s important to remember that many of the problems we’ll discuss in this article are best left to professionals. Considering how enormous some of our valuable resident trees can be — not to mention how important they are both culturally and aesthetically — it’s wise to entrust their ongoing care to Urban Forest Pro.

Each and every one of our arborists is ISA-certified, meaning our customers, both residential and commercial, trust us to care for their trees as if they were our own.

Contact Urban Forest Pro today to find out how we can help!

How to care for your trees in the winter

Think of winter tree care as the Four P’s.


Preparing trees for winter requires several steps, depending on the type of tree. For example, deciduous trees (those that shed their leaves) use their dormant periods to renew their energy reserves for the coming year’s growth. That makes winter a good time for tree pruning and other maintenance work. Pruning promotes the development of healthy branch structures, and the pruning process rids the tree of any limbs that may have been damaged or diseased.


Another timely activity for the winter is tree planting. As long as the ground is not frozen, it’s totally fine to plant a tree in the winter, although it’s important to take extra precautions when planting in or near soggy soils. Make sure planting is done correctly, too — i.e., the right tree is planted in the right location, the soil is properly prepared, etc.


Winter is also a splendid time to consider adding decorative trees to your property. Urban Forest Pro has plenty of tips on adding color to your winter landscape.


Winter is a good time to prep your property for a strong growing season by eliminating weeds, cleaning up the soil and, if possible, testing the soil itself. (The certified arborists at Urban Forest Pro can take care of soil testing for you; it’s just one of the many tree services we provide.) If you have fruit trees, they will likely require additional care and maintenance in order to ensure a bountiful harvest come the next growing season. Fruit trees require proper nutrients — and it’s absolutely vital to monitor the trees for pests and disease.

Contact Urban Forest Pro today and see how much work we can get done for you in time for spring!

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Pomegranate Tree Information, Questions and Answers

Tree cutting service Alpharetta Ga pomegranate fruit

One of the healthiest fruits you can consume comes from the Punica granatum (pomegranate) tree. But how much do you really know about this amazing tree species?

Pomegranate trees produce the incredible pomegranate fruit and have been cultivated for several millennia. Relatively easy to care for, this tree, its flower, and fruit all have profound historical and cultural significance. gathered pomegranate tree information and history, care tips, and answers several frequently asked questions.

Pomegranate Tree Information

Pomegranate is a tree species native to the region of Iran to Afghanistan and Pakistan to Northern India. Today, the species is cultivated throughout the Middle East, Northern and Tropical Africa, Asia, the Mediterranean Basin, and parts of the Southwestern United States.

Tree Name – Pomegranate
Scientific Name/Species – Punica granatum
Family – Lythraceae
Genus – Punica
Nickname – Winter Jewels, Red Ruby, and Chinese Apple

Pomegranate care tree service Alpharetta Ga

Lifespan – Can live up to 200 years or more when planted in optimal conditions.
Type – Deciduous.
Hardiness Zone(s) – from 8a to 13a
Soil Requirements – Versatile, prefers well-drained rich, fertile soil with full sun exposure.
Planting Spacing – 5 to 6ft
Watering Requirements – Regular when young or planted. Minimal thereafter.

Height – 15ft on average. Can reach 30ft under optimal conditions.
Crown Span – 8 to 10ft or more at maturity.
Root Spread – Wide and shallow (10-25ft from the trunk and 2 to 3ft deep)
Uses in Landscaping – Highlight tree, border or division, and addition to orchards.

Winter/Fall Colors – Yellow before leaf-drop in the fall.

Pests – Healthy pomegranates are incredibly resilient to insect attacks but may see aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, and thrips in the spring and summer months. Neem oil or other organic insecticides can be used to control them easily.
Disease – Keeping your pomegranate tree healthy will help it avoid or fight rot, anthracnose, and fungal wilt.
Major Disease Threat – Heart Rot

Pomegranate Origin and History

Originating from Iran to the Himalayas in northern India, Punica granatum (pomegranate) has been grown for several millennia, and was cultivated and naturalized over the extent of the Mediterranean region.

It wasn’t until 1769 that Spanish settlers introduced the first pomegranate specimen to California. Two and a half centuries later, pomegranate trees can be found throughout the US in a commercial capacity as well as in private landscapes and potted in our homes.

Armenian culture sees the pomegranate as a semi-religious icon. A symbol representing abundance, marriage, and fertility, the fruit and its juice are used with Armenian food, heritage, and wine.

Tree care Alpharetta Ga pomegranate fruit

As the fruit contains numerous seeds, it is perceived to symbolize fruitfulness. Thus, fostering the tradition to eat the fruit on Rosh Hashana. Besides several mentions in the Bible, some believe the fruit has 613 seeds corresponding to the 613 commandments found in the Torah.

Care Tips for Pomegranate Trees

Pomegranate trees do not require much attention. They are very adaptable to their environment and remarkably resilient to infestation and illness when healthy.

The following tips will assist you in keeping your pomegranate tree(s) healthy and thriving.

Planting Location and Soil – Pomegranates will adapt to nearly any well-drained soil condition regardless of its pH. As long as your specimen receives full sun and is protected from temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, it should thrive.

Watering – Pomegranate roots grow within the first 2 to 3 feet of soil and do not require deep watering. Keep the soil moist for the first 8 months to 1 year, and again when the tree is bearing fruit.

Tree removal Alpharetta Ga pomegranate watering

Once the tree’s roots are established, you can cut back to 2 waterings per month in the drier months. By this time though, your tree will be able to tolerate drought conditions.

When the tree is bearing fruit, you can prevent the fruit from splitting by keeping the soil moist.

Fertilizer – After planting a pomegranate tree, you do not need to fertilize it for a full year. The use of organic mulch (manure or compost) will suffice.

Thereafter, each spring, you can apply 2 ounces of nitrogen granules. Increase the dose 1 ounce for each subsequent year.

There are fertilizers specially formulated for fruit trees which may be used as well.

Pruning – Pomegranate trees produce flowers on new growth and can be pruned to remove damaged or dying branches, to shape the tree, or to remove suckers, dead wood, and unwanted growth.

The best time to prune your tree is late winter or early spring before the buds break, and when the threat of frost has subsided.

Be cautious of over-pruning, as it will reduce the amount of fruit your tree is able to produce.

Emergency tree removal Alpharetta Ga pomegranate flower

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Do All Pomegranates Have 613 Seeds?
Answer: No. While some will debate that all pomegranates have this number of seeds, it would be quite easy to prove the contrary.

Question: What Are Pomegranate Seeds Called?
Answer: Arils.

Question: Are Pomegranates Anti-Inflammatory?
Answer: Studies show that pomegranates have excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Question: What Vitamins Are in Pomegranate Seeds?
Answer: Pomegranates have B vitamins including folate, vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium.

Question: Are Pomegranates an Antioxidant?
Answer: They have high contents of polyphenols and are renowned for their antioxidant capabilities.

Alpharetta Ga pomegranate tree care tips

Question: How Long Does It Take for Pomegranate to Fruit?
Answer: Pomegranate trees can take up to 7 months for their fruit to fully mature. The tree itself will only bear fruit after two to three years of hearty growth.

Question: When Do Pomegranate Fruits Ripen?
Answer: Pomegranate fruit in the northern hemisphere typically ripens from September to February, and from March to May in the southern hemisphere.

Pomegranate Trees and Fruit for Your Landscape and Health

Cultivated for thousands of years, the pomegranate tree and its fruit have been gracing landscapes and providing powerful antioxidants through vitamin-rich seeds for generation after generation.

In this article, you discovered the history of the pomegranate tree, how to care for them, and the answers to many common questions about the species.

Growing a pomegranate tree is easy when compared to other fruit trees, and should be a part of your landscape. With a little patience and care, you could have ripening pomegranates in under three years.


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When (And How) To Trim Your Trees And Shrubs

Although it may not seem like it, winter is actually an ideal time to prune most trees and shrubs. Even in the relatively mild Mid-South winters, most woody plants are dormant, which means there’s less chance of disease and insects invading your pruning cuts. Now that almost all the leaves have fallen, it’s much easier to see the overall form and structure of your plants and trees, making damaged and diseased branches more readily apparent. Winter pruning also leaves your plants with extra root and energy reserves, which helps wounds to heal more quickly, and supports the kind of vigorous spring growth that will obscure any pruning cuts. It also gives you a good excuse to get outside and enjoy some fresh air!

Why pruning is important

There are a number of reasons why you should be regularly trimming and pruning your trees and shrubs. The most common reason is to reduce or maintain the size and shape of a plant or tree. Pruning also:

  • influences trees to grow in a more ideal, and stable, way
  • reduces the risk of compromised branch structures and improper weight distribution
  • improves the overall look of a tree or shrub
  • removes dead, diseased, and damaged branches
  • increases flowers and fruits
  • stimulates growth
  • removes branches that may be a problem for pedestrians, traffic, and buildings

Here at Red’s Tree Services, we offer tree trimming and pruning services throughout Memphis and the surrounding communities. Certain species of trees require more precise timing and different approaches for proper pruning, and having an experienced arborist on hand will help keep both you and your trees safe. Using a licensed tree service professional ensures a correct pruning and trimming job will be done, creating and maintaining strong tree structures that look beautiful and eliminate safety hazards. However, there is plenty of pruning the average homeowner can handle. Let’s take a look at some of the techniques you can use when pruning most woody plants, how they protect your trees and shrubs, and when you should call in a professional!

Pruning Techniques

There are a few basic pruning techniques, each of which is aimed at producing a different effect. No matter the cut, you should use only sharp, high-quality, well-maintained equipment for efficiency and safety.


This easy “cut” can actually be achieved without cutting: terminal buds can simply be pinched off with a thumb and forefinger. Pinching stops the stem from elongating and encourages bushy growth. This technique is typically done on annual and perennial flowers and sometimes certain vegetables. It can also be effective for directing growth on small-leafed shrubs in order to give the plant an even shape.

Trimming a tree


With heading, you would cut further back on the shoot than you would when pinching. In most cases, you’ll want to make your cut at a slight angle above the bud or side branch. This type of cut should not leave a stub, since these will usually rot and increase the chances of insects and disease settling in to attack the healthy material. Stubs that are left from pruning usual rot and later invite insects and disease to move in and attack healthy material. Heading is normally done with hand-held pruning shears, and stimulates the buds just below the cut, encouraging dense growth. This is a more aggressive trimming approach than pinching, and is suitable for shaping certain small shrubs and flowering perennials.


Thinning removes an entire branch back to the next branch or the main trunk. It reduces the bulk of a plant with minimal regrowth, and promotes better health by removing weak and diseased branches, and increasing light and air penetration. When making a thinning cut, steer clear of cutting into the branch collar. This is the base area of the branch you are removing, and cutting into or removing it can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of infection. Depending on the thickness of the branch, you can use hand-held pruners, loppers, or a pruning saw to remove it.


Shearing is a technique that is customarily used to create a hedge or a bush with a specific form, such as spherical or square. While it is a form of heading, it makes no attempt to cut back to a bud. Shearing stimulates a large number of buds to produce new growth, so be aware that once you start it, you’ll need to repeat this job regularly. Because this method cuts right through leaves, it’s best done on small-leafed plants, where the damage is less noticeable. You can use hand-held or electric hedge shears for this type of pruning.

pruning a bush

Winter pruning in Memphis with Red’s Tree Service

When done correctly, pruning during winter will result in a vigorous burst of new growth in the spring. We normally recommend waiting until the coldest part of winter has passed. Although you may choose to do your own pruning and trimming, the kind of thoughtful, professional pruning our expert team can provide during the dormant winter season will allow you more time to enjoy all the fruits and blooms of our labors once spring arrives! For a free estimate, get in touch with us today.

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Preventing and Eliminating Christmas Tree Bugs

Christmas tree bugs Alpharetta Ga

The Christmas tree is the pinnacle of holiday decorating but can also be a nightmare when bugs hitch a ride on the tree into your home.

Infested Christmas trees present a series of problems for the homes and neighborhoods they decorate. Pest control and prevention are essential measures when putting up a live tree for the holidays. collected information on the bugs that can be found on Christmas trees, how to prevent the buying of an infested tree, eliminating any insects found on the tree, and how to properly dispose of the tree.

Bugs on Christmas Trees

When you go to your local Christmas tree lot, keep in mind that just a few days prior, those trees were cut down from a Christmas tree farm or a forest.

Insects may have nested in or laid eggs on these trees. The following are some of the insect species you may encounter living or hatching in your Christmas tree:

Christmas tree farm bug prevention

• Aphids
• Spiders
• Bark Beetles
• Mites
• Scale
• Needle Scale
• Mantises
• Spotted Lanternflies
• Sawfly
• Adelgids
• Stink Bugs

Note: Store-bought wreaths and swags made from live tree stems may travel thousands of miles from where they originated (potentially exposing your ecosystem to a new or invasive insect species). During the manufacturing and packing processes, bugs and the eggs they lay can easily be overlooked.

How To Prevent Bugs on your Christmas Tree

You can prevent bringing bugs into your home on a Christmas tree by following a few easy steps:

Christmas tree selection Alpharetta Ga

Right Time to Shop – Do not shop for a Christmas tree at night. It is easier to spot insects and eggs during the daytime.

Inspect the Under Side of Branches – Lay the tree down and get an up-close look at the underside of the branches and the trunk. Pay particular attention to the lower branches. You are looking for:

• Visible Insects
• Red or Brown Dots (Mites)
• Clusters of Eggs (Mantises and Lanternflies)
• What Appear to Be Snowflakes (Adelgids)
• White or Red Dots on Needles (Scale)
• Brown Cocoons (Sawfly)
• Small Holes in Trunk (Bark Beetle)
• Sawdust Trails (Bark Beetle)

Let It Stand – Attach the base and let the tree stand in the garage for a day or two. As a preventative measure, apply neem oil or insecticidal soap to the tree before moving it inside and decorating it.

How To Get Rid of Christmas Tree Insects

One of the most common insects found on Christmas trees is aphids. Killing aphids and other insects can be accomplished by spraying the tree with non-toxic neem oil or a homemade insecticidal soaps. Read more about killing aphids.

Aphids on Christmas tree Alpharetta Ga

For the most part, newly hatched insects and spiders quickly expire from desiccation (they dry out). However, there are those that do survive.

Beetles, mantises, spotted lanternflies, and sawflies can leave the tree and potentially make their way outside. Again, the application of neem oil and insecticidal soap can be used to control these insects.

If you spot insects or eggs on your tree, DO NOT use commercial aerosol bug sprays. There is no necessity to expose yourself and your loved ones to these harsh chemicals. And, as many of them are flammable, you risk having the tree and your home go up in flames.

For pests that have fallen to the floor or are on your furniture, avoid stepping on them or crushing them (they can leave stains, and some insects have a putrid smell).

Use a vacuum cleaner that doesn’t have a beater bar to suck them up. Then treat the bag or the receptacle with neem oil or insecticidal soap before disposing of them.

How To Dispose of a Christmas Tree

To help preserve the ecosystem in your region, avoid placing the used tree on brush piles or compost heaps. Invasive insects and diseases are able to escape into landscapes and neighboring forests, becoming established, and upsetting the native ecosystem.

Christmas tree disposal Alpharetta Ga

When you take steps to properly purchase, treat, and dispose of a Christmas tree, these risks are dramatically reduced.

Many municipalities and counties nationwide have pickup programs established to retrieve your tree at curbside and properly dispose of it.

If you miss this service or it isn’t available, you can take the tree to a solid waste facility, dump, or landfill. This will keep any pests that may remain in the tree from spreading.

Bug-Free Christmas Tree for the Holiday Season

An infested Christmas tree inside your home probably wasn’t on your wish-list for this holiday season. When bugs hitch a ride into your home, you need to know how to handle them efficiently.

From this article, you have discovered which bugs can be found on a Christmas tree, what to look for when purchasing the tree, how to eliminate any bugs on the tree, and how to properly dispose of the tree once the season is over.

Your home, neighborhood, and neighboring forest are all at risk when the poor management of a Christmas tree infestation allows foreign or invasive insects to disrupt a native ecosystem. Pest control and prevention should be one of the main concerns of a live tree in your home for the holidays.


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How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent Anthracnose

Anthracnose acervuli colletotrichum tree disease

You may be unknowingly spreading disease all over your landscape. Those yellow, brown, or black spots on your tree may be anthracnose. Avoid hosing down your tree to try and clean it, you could be spreading this fungi everywhere!

Over time and repeated attacks, anthracnose can weaken your tree’s health and provide an opportunity for other disease and infestation. Once identified, tree anthracnose should be treated immediately. gathered this information to help you identify, treat, prevent anthracnose, and uncover the fungi responsible for causing it.

What Is the Cause of Anthracnose?

Tree anthracnose is caused by a fungal infection fueled by optimal weather conditions. The following are some of the fungi responsible for anthracnose and some of the tree species they infect:

Anthracnose tree disease dead spots on leaves Marietta
  • Apiognomonia Errabunda – Attacks tilia, Quercus, beech, oak, lindens, and Fagus (ficus) trees.
  • Apiognomonia Veneta – Attacks london planes and sycamores.
  • Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides – Attacks ash, tulip, and cacao or cocoa trees.
  • Discula Fraxinea – Attacks maple, ash, and fringetree.
  • Glomerella Fungi Species – Attacks banana, mango, papaya, and lemons.
  • Gnomonia Fungi Species – Attacks oak, maple, sycamore, walnut, ash, and dogwood trees.
  • Marssonina Fungi Species – Attacks aspen, poplars, and cottonwood trees.
  • Stegophora ulmea – Attacks elm trees.

The above-mentioned fungi overwinter in either the leaves that have fallen to the ground, or in cankers on the tree’s bark. In springtime, the fungi’s reproduction process is favored by cool temperatures and prolonged periods of rain.

Tree disease canker Marietta Georgia

As the fungi generate spores, splashing rain, overhead watering, and/or the wind disperses them to leaf buds, shoots, or young leaves. The fungi then colonize the tissue of the new host and begin producing spores to be carried off in the same manner.

As long as temperatures remain mild and moist conditions persist, the fungi will continue to colonize leaf tissue, produce spores, and reinfect the same leaves or spread to others. Without intervention, this process can repeat itself throughout spring and into early summer.

Tree disease leaf spot anthracnose Marietta Ga

Anthracnose and other fungal diseases that attack trees need water (moisture) to grow, propagate, and colonize new hosts. These diseases are less common in warmer regions that have less rainfall.

What Are the Symptoms of Anthracnose?

While anthracnose can be caused by several different species of fungi, the symptoms are the same. Here is how to identify an anthracnose infection:

  • Bud death
  • Twig death
  • Dead spots on leaves
  • Dead tissue along leaf veins
  • Dead blotches between leaf veins
  • Unseasonal or premature leaf-drop
  • Lesions known as cankers in tree bark (open wounds)

A common symptom among all of the anthracnose diseases is the presence of acervuli. Use a magnifying glass to examine the underside of infected leaves. You are looking for dark colored pimple-like fruiting structures (acervuli).

Tree disease anthracnose acervuli Marietta Ga

In infected trees, these structures may also be found peppered along dead twigs.

How Do You Treat Anthracnose?

While damages resulting from anthracnose infections are generally inconsequential to the overall health of a tree, repeated attacks from the disease year after year can weaken a tree’s defenses enough to leave it susceptible to other diseases and insect infestations.

The following measures will help to treat the disease and reduce the potential for infection in the coming springtime:

Don’t Spray the Foliage – Anthracnose fungi depend on splashing water and wind to carry them from one host to another. If you try to wash off the foliage, you are doing more to help the fungi live than to save your tree.

Fallen Leaves – Collect and destroy fallen leaves. These dead leaves (if left on the ground) provide an optimal location for fungi to overwinter.

Anthracnose fungi tree leaves Marietta Ga

Pruning – For the fungi and acervuli found in blighted twigs, these areas should be pruned back and destroyed.

Crown thinning will allow more air and light to reach the inner branches and foliage, which in turn will help fight against the fungi.

Depending on the extent of the infection, excessive pruning may be necessary. If this is the case, contact a professional tree service to evaluate the situation.

Tip: To destroy the pruned portion of the tree and/or leaves, light up the fire pit or have a bonfire.

After pruning any diseased plant, shrub, or tree, make certain that your tools are sanitized before storing them or using them again. Use a 1 part bleach to 6 parts water solution to wash your tools.

Tree pruning trimming equipment anthracnose

Fungicides – In areas or with trees that have a history of anthracnose infections, fungicides can be used to further curtail its spreading.

Knowing the species of your tree will help you select the right fungicide. Many of them are labeled for use against specific fungi, and the fungi which cause anthracnose are typically host species specific.

How Can Anthracnose Be Prevented?

By providing plants and trees with well drained and enriched soil, nutrient-rich fertilizer, sufficient water, and annual pruning, you will help them maintain a vigorous defense system and enable them to resist diseases more handily.

If you use a sprinkler or overhead watering system, consider modifying it or replacing it with a drip system. Drip systems don’t create the splashing effect necessary to carry fungus spores from host to host.

Anthracnose prevention drip line watering system

Finally, take action against other fungal invaders and pests to prevent the tree’s health from weakening.

Tree Health and Disease Prevention

There is more to preventing tree diseases than just hosing down your trees. To stop the spread of anthracnose and prevent its return, it takes an understanding of what it is and how it spreads from host to host.

In this article, you discovered what causes anthracnose, how to correctly identify it by common characteristics, how to treat it, and the steps to prevent it.

Anthracnose, through repeated attacks, will eventually weaken your tree and allow other more invasive diseases and tree pests to attack. Treatment and prevention measures should begin as soon as this disease is positively identified.

For more signs and symptoms of a troubled tree, visit


Photchana Trakunsukharat, Department of Agriculture, Thailand [CC BY 3.0 au], via Wikimedia Commons

Todd’s Marietta Tree Services

200 Cobb Pkwy N Ste 428 Marietta, GA 30062
(678) 505-0266

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Killing Aphids

Tree and plant aphid infestation Alpharetta Ga

Disgusting aphids are a severe problem that can destroy your landscape. During an infestation, what appears to be a black tar on your foliage is actually a fungus growing in aphid excrement. The more of this you see, the bigger your problem is.

Aphids can cause the eventual death of your plants and trees, both indoors and outdoors. Upon detection of an infestation, treatment should begin immediately, and only end when all signs of the pest are gone.

In this article, answers some common aphid questions, and offers three easy methods to control them.

How to Get Rid of Aphids

Getting rid of your aphid problem starts with observing how big of a problem you have, determining which actions to take, and following up to ensure the problem is over.

Observation – In many aphid infestations, you may notice the presence of ants. These ants are not attacking the aphids, they are cultivating the honeydew excrement which they produce.

Aphid infestation ants colonize for honeydew

If this is the case, locate the ant trail(s) and treat the ant problem simultaneously with the aphid problem. You will see below that these three treatments work well for both insects.

Action – The following are 3 simple solutions that eliminate aphids without the use of commercial insecticides.

1 – Insecticidal Soap – The ingredients are:

• Liquid dishwashing soap (Dawn, Ivory, etc. but not the special formula varieties)
• Vegetable oil (corn, canola, sunflower, etc.)
• Warm water (filtered or soft water)

Step 1 – Mix 1/2 cup of vegetable oil with 3 Tbsp of dishwashing soap in a measuring cup and mix well.

Step 2 – Pour the mix into an empty (clean) gallon container and fill it halfway with warm water.

Step 3 – Shake the mixture well and fill a spray bottle with it. Keep the remainder of the mixture in a cool, dry place until the next use.

Application – In the early morning or late afternoon, spray the mixture directly on the aphids and ants (if present), you will also spray the area around the infestation, and along the ant trails.

Apply the mixture weekly in the same way for three weeks, or until the pests are eliminated.

2 – Neem Oil – Neem oil is a pungent vegetable oil derived from the fruit and seeds of an evergreen tree called Neem.

Pure Neem oil can be purchased at your local gardening center and comes ready for use.

Application – Again, in the early morning or late afternoon, spray the oil directly on the aphids and surrounding areas.

When sprayed along ant trails, Neem oil is very effective in repelling many species of ants. This is accomplished by disrupting the pheromone trails ants leave for others to follow.

Aphid infestation Alpharetta Ga and ants

Apply on a weekly basis until the ants and aphids are no longer visible.

3 – Vinegar Spray – The ingredients are:

• Vinegar (white or apple cider)
• Water

Step 1 – Mix equal parts of vinegar and water together in a spray bottle.

Application – In the early morning or late afternoon, spray the water and vinegar mixture directly on the infestation and surrounding area.

When sprayed in the affected area and along the ant trail, this solution works well to repel the ants and disrupt their pheromone trail.

Apply weekly until the infestation has been eliminated.

For treating other insect infestations, visit this link

People Also Ask

Ladybug predator aphid infestation Alpharetta Georgia

Q: Why Do You Apply Insecticides in the Morning?
A: Insecticides and insect deterrents are applied in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid overheating the foliage in direct sunlight.

Q: How Long is the Life of an Aphid?
A: Depending on the species and environment, aphids live from one week to forty days.

Q: How Long Do Aphid Infestations Last?
A: As aphids are able to reproduce rapidly, infestations can occur relatively quickly and may last until the death of the host (without treatment).

Q: What Insects Eat Aphids?
A: The most beneficial predatory insect of aphids is the ladybug. Plant marigolds, sunflowers, dill, and daisies to attract ladybugs, lacewings, and other beneficial insects. Also, consider buying and releasing ladybugs directly into your garden.

Q: Do Ants Eat Aphids?
A: No – Ants cultivate and eat aphid excrement (called honeydew) which is produced after the aphids consume the sap from plant and tree foliage.

Q: What Is the Black Film All Over the Leaves?
A: During an aphid infestation, the black tar-like substance on the foliage is actually a fungus known as “sooty mold” growing in the honeydew (aphid excrement).

Sooty mold on vegetation during aphid infestation in Alpharetta Ga

Keep Your Landscape and Home Aphid Free

With the ability to quickly multiply and infest your landscape, aphids can cause the decline and eventual death of your plants and trees.

In this article, we’ve answered common “aphid” questions, you’ve learned to identify an aphid infestation and take action. You now know how to use three effective control methods and how to attract beneficial insects to your landscape.

By not taking action against an aphid infestation, you are leaving your plants and trees vulnerable to other insect infestations and disease which can kill them even faster.


This article was first published on:

Insecticidal Soap Recipe to Control Tree Pests

Tree pest control homemade insecticidal soap spray

Controlling nasty tree pests is easy and you can do it without toxic chemicals. For more than two centuries, variations of homemade insecticidal soaps have been used to control invasive tree and garden insects.

Homemade insecticidal soaps are easy to use and safer than conventional or industrial pesticides. Using them will save you from unnecessary exposure to the components of store-bought pesticides.

In this article, the professionals at explain how to make and apply homemade insecticidal soaps, how they work, and which insects to target.

How to Make Insecticidal Soap

The ingredients to make an insecticidal soap can typically be found in your kitchen or pantry and only require the use of a tablespoon, a measuring cup, a gallon jug, and a spray bottle.

Insecticidal soap recipe Marietta Georgia

This recipe yields ½ gallon of solution.

You will need:

Regular liquid dishwashing soap (Dawn, Lemon Joy, Ivory, etc. but not the ultra or special formula varieties)

Vegetable oil (peanut, corn, canola, sunflower, etc.)

Warm water (preferably filtered or soft water, but tap water will do)

Step 1 – Pour ½ cup of the vegetable oil In the measuring cup, and mix 3 Tbsp of the dishwashing soap with it. Mix well.

Step 2 – Pour the oil and dishwashing soap into a 1-gallon jug, then fill the jug with water to approximately the halfway mark.

Step 3 – Shake well and fill your spray bottle. Keep the remainder (left in the jug) in a cool, dry place. It will get used.

That’s it. You’ve made a basic insecticidal soap. Read on to learn how to apply it and what variations are needed for different insects.

How to Use Insecticidal Soap

Using these soaps is as easy as making them. Follow these steps to apply your homemade insecticide effectively.

Step 1 – Locate the infested or troubled area of your tree.

Step 2 – In the early morning or late afternoon, spray the solution directly on the insects and surrounding foliage.

Step 3 – Repeat Step 2 after one week. And again one week later.

Throughout this process, keep an eye on the foliage that is being treated. Some tree and plant species are more sensitive than others and may slightly wilt or change color. If this is the case, add more water to the solution to dilute it.

If the infestation persists after three weeks of treatment, call on a professional tree service to evaluate the severity of the infestation and what further steps should be taken to halt it.

Tree Bugs – Which Ones Are Affected?

The recipe above works best on soft-bodied insects which include:

• Aphids
• Scales
• Mealybugs
• Spider Mites
• Whiteflies
• Psyllids

Insecticidal soap tree pest control Marietta Ga

The solution is also effective against Boxelder bugs.

Control of the above insects typically results from either a disruption of their cell membranes or the removal of the waxes that cover the insect, resulting in death by dehydration.

Add 2Tbsp of peppermint oil to your mixture for hard-bodied insects such as:


Beneficial insects like Lady Bugs, bees, and lacewings are not typically affected by soap sprays.

Tree bugs insecticidal soap spray Marietta Ga

When the invading insects are beetles, the following recipe will help discourage them from burrowing into your tree.

Tree pest control insecticidal soap recipe Marietta Georgia

This recipe yields 1 gallon of solution.

You will need:

1 cup dried cayenne peppers
1 cup rough chopped fresh jalapeño peppers
1 gallon water

Step 1 – Add the cayenne, jalapeño peppers, and ½ gallon of water together in a pot.

Step 2 – Bring the water to a boil and reduce to a simmer for 45 minutes.

Step 3 – Allow time to cool before straining out all of the solids.

Step 4 – Add the strained solution to a 1-gallon jug, then complete the jug with water.

Step 5 – Carefully pour the desired amount into a spray bottle. Keep the remainder (left in the jug) in a cool, dry place. (read below before use).

When applying this “pepper” solution to trees or plants, it is strongly advised to wear protective gloves and eyewear. Once applied, reapplication is only necessary after rain.

Homemade Bug Spray for Trees and Outdoor Plants

The recipes and application methods for the homemade insecticides above can be used on garden plants as well as trees. This easy to use alternative allows you to avoid using chemically produced and potentially hazardous pesticides.

In this article, we’ve detailed two basic homemade insecticide recipes and several variations to help you combat infestations from beetles, soft-bodied insects, and hard-bodied insects.

The benefit of using a homemade insecticide is that you can control pest issues while avoiding exposure to the harsh chemicals used in the production of industrial or commercial insecticides.


Todd’s Marietta Tree Services

200 Cobb Pkwy N Ste 428 Marietta, GA 30062
(678) 505-0266

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My Neighbor’s Tree Fell on My House, Now What?

Neighbors tree fell on my house Alpharetta Ga

When your neighbor’s 100-foot tree crashes down onto your house, there is much to be done to get life and your home back to normal. When the adrenaline and nerves settle, you’ll need to know what to do next to quickly and safely resolve the situation.

Within greater Atlanta, trees fall pretty frequently. When one lands on a house, immediate action must be taken to prevent further damage and determine who is responsible.

Neighbor’s trees that have fallen on homes is something 72 Tree service has had more than 45 years of experience in mitigating, and in this article lay out exactly the steps and factors you should consider.

What To Do When Your Neighbor’s Tree Falls on Your House

Similar to a fire or flood, it should be treated as an emergency when a tree crashes down on your home. Fast action is required, and the following steps will help you keep everyone safe while getting your home and life back to normal:

1 – Evacuate the property! Get everyone (including pets) out of the house. Gas, water lines, and electrical systems can be severely damaged creating a fire, explosion, or electrocution hazard.

If the tree damaged any vital home systems, and it is not safe to return to the home, get your loved ones to a safe location until after the repairs.

2 – Call 9-1-1 or Respective Emergency Services, to report the incident if your neighbor’s tree:

• Inflicted any injuries or caused any fatalities

• Crossed power lines or damaged utilities before falling on your home, or

• Threatens pedestrians or is blocking the flow of traffic

In such cases, an emergency dispatcher is able to mobilize Medical Services, utilities, a power company unit, or other necessary departments to ensure your and the public’s safety.

Visit for non-emergent interfering power lines.

3 – Turn the power off immediately if you smell gas, or water is coming through the roof or from broken pipes. Next locate and turn off the gas and/or water main.

This is a dangerous situation because a spark can cause an explosion from a gas leak, or you could be electrocuted if water comes in contact with live electrical wires.

4 – Document everything that is taking place! Take pictures of the tree and all related damages. This will help you in supporting your case and recovering your settlement when filing an insurance claim.

5 – Contact your homeowner’s insurance provider to report the situation, and follow their instructions (not doing so will potentially void your policy).

6 – Contract a 24-hour emergency tree removal company and certified arborist to remove the tree, and assess whether or not the tree was diseased, dead or dying before it fell.

Depending on the location of the fallen tree and degree of difficulty in accessing it, be sure to contract a tree service that has the skills, experience, tools and equipment (bucket truck, crane, etc.) to get the job done efficiently and safely.

Watch this Roswell removal team to see the correct process of using a crane to remove a fallen tree.

7 – Contract a 24-hour roofing company to inspect damages, tarp, and repair or replace your roof.

8 – Contract a 24-hour plumber if you have any visible leaks or broken pipes that must be repaired. Otherwise, during regular hours contact a plumber to examine your home’s plumbing system for any unseen or concerning collateral damage.

This is an essential step. The jolt of a tree crashing into your home has the potential to disturb and damage the plumbing throughout, and even on the opposite side of the house.

9 – Contract a 24-hour emergency water removal company if water is flooding your home from a storm or broken pipe(s). It is a top priority to cleanup and extract any water from causing further structural damage, or causing a future issue with mold.

What You Need To Know If Your Neighbor’s Tree Falls on Your House

Your House – When your neighbor’s tree falls on your house, there will be apparent damages to the landing area. This type of impact will typically result in hidden structural, electrical, and plumbing problems throughout the house.

Your Neighbor’s Tree – The state of the tree before it fell is of the utmost importance, and the following scenarios will illustrate why:

Scenario #1 (Your Liability) – If your neighbor’s tree was healthy and thriving when it was uprooted, broken, or blown over by severe weather, it is your own homeowner’s insurance policy that will cover damages to your home.

Scenario #2 (Their Liability) – If it is determined and documented by a certified arborist that your neighbor’s tree was diseased, dying, or dead when the event occurred, your neighbor may be held fully responsible for all damages when the following conditions are true:

• In the State of Georgia, the tree owner can be held liable for damages and injuries resulting from the tree’s falling, only if he or she had preexisting knowledge of the tree being dead, dying, or diseased. If there were no apparent reasons for concern (no visible signs of trouble) or no documentation stating otherwise, the tree owner (your neighbor) could not be considered at fault.

• When it can be proven in written form that an arborist, neighbor, tenant, city employee, or other third party identified and reported to the neighbor the existence of a problem before the tree fell, this constitutes preexisting knowledge on the part of the tree owner.

Adjacent Trees – When a tree is uprooted during a storm, be cautious of the trees close to it. Trees growing close together will often rely on each other’s roots to anchor themselves, and when one of those trees falls, the trees around it may become destabilized and fall as well.

Neighbors trees fell on my house in Alpharetta Georgia

The Insurance Company – Some insurance policies can be complicated and confusing, but if the tree damaged a structure on your property – once you have met your deductible and have not exhausted the total coverage limits of your policy – your insurance provider may be liable to pay for damages up to your coverage limits.

The emergency removal company you contract should specialize in large loss claims, and support your efforts in working with your insurance company. 72 Tree has successfully mitigated insurance claims for over 45 years, working with most platinum insurance companies and insurance adjusters to quickly return your life and home to normal.

Your Home, Emergency Tree Removal, Insurance, and Repairs

Knowing what to do when your neighbor’s tree falls on your home will help you focus on what needs to get done vs. who is to blame. Being able to mobilize the right services quickly will help keep stress levels under control, and allow you to get on track to returning life to normal.

Once your neighbor’s tree (or any tree for that matter) falls on your home, fast action is essential. Move your loved ones to a safe location, call 9-1-1 if needed, and contact your homeowner’s insurance provider. Then, contract a trusted emergency tree removal company, a roofing company with a contractor that can inspect the home’s entire physical structure for collateral damages, and a plumber to look for and repair any pipe ruptures or hidden leaks from the impact.

When your neighbor’s tree falls on your home, protect yourself and your assets by taking swift action. Delays or procrastination can become costly problems, potentially voiding your homeowner’s insurance policy while exacerbating damages to your home and property.


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How to Identify a Tree Emergency

Marietta Georgia emergency tree removal

Tree emergencies come in all shapes and sizes. Many times, there is an emergency situation brewing underneath the surface and goes unnoticed until it’s too late and catastrophic damage is done.

Part of being a responsible and prepared property owner is learning to identify the warning signs of a tree emergency and how to take preemptive action.

In this article, the professionals at explain how to identify tree problems which constitute an emergency, and what proactive measures to take to avoid expensive damages and repairs.

Tree Emergencies in Marietta GA after Severe Weather

Marietta Georgia is no stranger to storms that swoop in with damaging rain and winds. Trees are vulnerable and may sustain injuries in such weather events. After the storm has passed, one of the first things to do is inspect your trees and look for the following:

My Tree Is Leaning – When a tree suddenly leans, there is much to be concerned about. At the very least, the roots have lost their grip in the ground, and the weight of the tree is no longer balanced.

Emergency tree removal leaning Marietta Ga

Depending on the size (height) and age of the tree, corrective measures may solve the problem. Taller and older trees will likely require emergency removal to avoid catastrophic property damage or loss.

Action Required: Immediately contact a professional tree service to evaluate the tree and offer a solution.

A Large Branch is Broken and Hanging – While this may seem like a simple problem to solve, it may be an indication of underlying health issues.

If your tree is located in an area that has been affected by prolonged periods of drought, the tree itself may be brittle, posing the threat of other falling branches.

Many species of fungi are able to invade a tree and cause the slow deterioration of the heartwood. If this is the case, the tree may very well be dead and at risk of collapsing under its own weight.

Trees grow based on symmetry and balance. If the branch in question is large enough or contains a significant portion of the crown, the stability of the tree may be compromised. In severe enough cases, emergency tree removal may be the only viable option.

Action Required: DO NOT pull or tear the branch down – this may cause irreparable damage to the tree. Contact a reputable tree service to properly remove the branch and ensure that the tree is stable and in good health.

Sections of Bark Are Missing – During severe storms, the wind may carry unsecured objects as projectiles and launch them into a tree trunk, damaging or stripping the bark away.

Tree emergency bark damage Marietta Ga

Just below the bark is the xylem and phloem which transport water and nutrients throughout the tree. If large portions of the bark have been damaged or are missing, this may girdle (strangle) the tree.

Action Required: This is a serious situation requiring immediate attention which the tree may not recover from. Call in an arborist to evaluate the tree’s condition and prescribe the necessary action.

Learn about tree preparation for storms

Signs of Tree Health Problems

When a tree’s health is compromised, one or a combination of the following signs will be visible (outlined after the below signs are the necessary actions to address and resolve them):

Wilted or Discolored Leaves – If the wilting or discoloration is in the entirety of the canopy, it could mean that the tree is suffering from drought or soil compaction.

However, if the symptoms are confined to a section of the canopy with no physical bark / branch damage or beetle infestation, it is likely a tree disease.

Mushrooms Growing on The Tree – This may be an intriguing visual, but it is a symptom of a grave issue within the tree.

Tree emergency Marietta Ga

Mushrooms require rotting tissue for their growth. If you see mushrooms sprouting from your tree, you can assume that heart rot is the front-runner of potential culprits.

Dieback – This symptom becomes evident when the extremities of a tree wilt and die, working its way to the center.

Dieback occurs when a disease has infected the tree, or the environment has changed to unfavorable and damaging growth conditions.

Insect Infestation – Trees in good health are typically able to resist insect infestations. That said, boring insects such as beetles may still be able to attack a healthy tree.

Look for webs in the tree, sooty mold on or under the leaves, leaves that have been eaten (chewed up), or entry holes and sawdust from burrowing insects. These are all signs that insects are using your tree to propagate their species.

Actions Required: Addressing the above tree health problems can be divided into three categories:

1 – Burrowing Insects – Seek immediate assistance from a tree service to determine the extent of the damage, to exterminate the insects (if possible) and to contain the infestation from spreading to other trees.

2 – Wilt, Dieback, and Mushrooms – These signs indicate serious health problems within the tree and require a professional approach to either bring the tree back to health or remove it to avoid spreading the problem to neighboring trees.

3 – Non-Burrowing Insects – Neem oil or a homemade insecticide (basic recipe below*) can be applied to the infected and surrounding areas of the tree to halt their activities. If this approach does not resolve the pest issue, or the tree is presenting other visual symptoms, call in an arborist or reputable tree service to evaluate the tree’s health.

Insect infestation tree emergency Marietta Ga

*Basic Insecticidal Soap Recipe – This recipe requires three ingredients: dish soap, vegetable oil, and water. Add 2.5Tbsp of dish soap and 2.5Tbsp of vegetable oil to 1 gallon of warm water and mix it well. Apply as needed.

Identify and Correct Tree Health Emergencies in Marietta Ga

With the above knowledge, you will be aware of the signs of a troubled tree, the potential results of inaction, and the best course of action to take. Take the time to examine your trees with a renewed perspective.

Everything from insect infestations and invasive fungi to compacted soil, damaged roots, and severe weather events can cause the decline of your tree’s health. Identifying the warning signs and taking action is a crucial step toward its recovery or a required emergency removal.

To help prevent tree health issues, schedule an annual inspection with a professional tree service, and keep proper pruning activities limited to late winter or early spring.

Tree emergency Marietta Ga pruning

Turning a blind eye to your tree’s declining health can result in the death of the tree. If that tree falls, your home, vehicle, and everyone within the fall radius is at risk of costly damages or severe injury. Beware, when a tree falls it does not choose where it is safe to land.

Todd’s Marietta Tree Services

200 Cobb Pkwy N Ste 428 Marietta, GA 30062
(678) 505-0266

The post How to Identify a Tree Emergency appeared first on

Storm Damage Cleanup Tips

Severe storms can happen any time here in the Mid-South. Our biggest storm season is in the spring, with a second one in early winter, but we’ve seen damage-producing storms in just about every month of the year before. Memphis and its surrounding communities also happen to be heavily populated by trees, and when you put the two together, you can end up with a significant amount of damage and debris to clear up. Red’s Tree Service is equipped to remove big, heavy limbs or whole trees from houses, cars or any other structure that may be harmed by stormy weather conditions. Our expert team is also available to prune tree limbs and cut any branches that might have fallen into your power lines, but you can also help your trees weather the storms by assessing their health before bad weather strikes.

Inspecting your trees before a storm

If you know storms are likely, take some time to observe your trees and check for any signs of damage or illness, such as:

  • cracks in large branches or the tree trunk itself
  • decay or disease anywhere in the tree
  • a hollow area in the trunk
  • a tree that is leaning
  • branches hanging over a building
  • trees close to power lines
  • mushrooms and fungi growing on trees

If you don’t feel comfortable doing this job yourself, Red’s team of professionals can provide a health and risk assessment on your trees that can help you spot potential weaknesses. If we see a problem with a tree, we can often help by eliminating small problems before they turn into big ones. This may include:

  • pruning dead, damaged, or diseased branches
  • trimming excess growth
  • removing hazardous trees
  • removing branches hanging over your house or the street
  • removing or trimming a tree that’s close to a power line

We offer a variety of services to not only keep your trees healthy and attractive, but safe and stable as well.

Damaged tree

Cleaning up after a storm

Before you head outside to clean up any damage or mess on your property, make sure the threat of lightning has passed, and that there are no downed power lines or trees leaning on power lines. Inspect your trees for large fallen branches, a split tree trunk, or broken tree top. If you don’t see any major structural damage, you’re probably fine to clean up smaller branches on your own. We recommend you do this only if the branches are less than 2” in diameter, and can be accessed from the ground without a ladder. 

You can help your trees recover after a storm through several small actions, like mulching, properly watering them, and fertilizing them. Doing this throughout the year will help maintain the health of your trees, which will often reduce the risk of storm damage.

If you do find one or more trees on your property that have fallen, look unstable, or have obvious damage, you may want to contact a professional tree service like Reds. Consider the following tips when deciding on your next move.

  • If a large branch has been pulled out or has split off from the tree, that branch should be removed.
  • If more than 50% of the living branches in the crown of a tree have broken off, the entire tree should be removed.
  • If a tree is leaning, and there’s evidence of recent root lifting, breakage, or soil movement,  should be removed
  • If a tree has a large crack in it, especially one that affects 50% or more of the main stem, it should be removed.
  • Don’t try to save or repair a partially dislodged branch or the fork of a tree that has split. This tree injury is not likely to heal and any attachment will be weak, particularly if decay sets in. Our team is experienced in cabling or bracing, which may be an option, but this process should only be performed by a professional. Any cabling will require an annual inspection.
  • Avoid the knee-jerk reaction of seeing every tree as a threat if you have experienced storm damage. Trees are valuable to your property both aesthetically and environmentally. Let our professional crew come out and assess any possible damage to your trees before you take them all down out of fear or frustration! 

Remember that it rarely pays to capitalize on quick and cheap options. You may have offers from family, friends, or people in your neighborhood to remove your hazardous limbs or fallen trees cheaply or for free, but they may not have the knowledge necessary to remove dead limbs efficiently and with minimal damage to the tree and your yard. It’s best to wait for professionals like Red’s to arrive!

Tree falling on road

Keep your Mid-South trees healthy and safe with Red’s Tree Service

Storms can wreak havoc on even the strongest trees, but by following our tips, you’ll know how to help prepare your trees for bad weather, process any tree damage that does occur, and manage cleaning it up safely.  knowing that you did the right thing for your family and your trees. For professional help, Red’s Tree Service has an experienced team who can inspect your trees, safely remove fallen trees and branches, grind any remaining stumps, and perform a wide variety of preventive care on your property. Don’t let Memphis storms get the best of you! Get in touch with us today for a free quote.

This post first appeared on

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