Ping’s Is Now Offering Snow Removal Service

Ping’s Is Now Offering Snow Removal Service

snow removalOur business continues to grow and expand.   We are now offering snow removal service – just in time for another Indiana winter.  If you manage one or more commercial properties, you know that commercial snow removal is a must. Most property owners or managers are responsible for making sure parking lots, walkways, and other areas around buildings (such as office buildings, healthcare settings, restaurants, retirement homes, malls, apartments, condos, and schools) are completely free of snow and ice during the weeks and months of a long Indianapolis winter.

Reliable Snow Removal

If you’ve decided to hire a company to clear snow from your property, then consider Ping’s.  We will reliably and carefully handle all your snow removal needs. Before the snow even falls, we will get to work.  We preview each property we service to determine what sort of manpower and equipment will be needed. That way, we will know how to work with your specific property and meet your specific needs.

The Right Equipment and Personnel

We have the right equipment including plows, snow blowers, and shovels to clear your sidewalks and parking lots. We can even haul mounds of snow to other locations if necessary. Beyond equipment, we have abundant supplies of ice melt to keep parking lots and sidewalks safer. Our snow removal staff is on-call 24 hours a day. We will monitor snowfall through the day, night, and early morning to ensure that your property is clear and safe.

Ping’s has a commercial snow removal department available for businesses in Indianapolis, Plainfield, Avon, Brownsburg, Zionsville, Carmel, Westfield, Fishers, and Noblesville. If you’re prepared, you’ll be much less likely to lose business during snowstorms and other winter events. We will work with you to save you money in the long run. With the proper equipment and expertise, we are the right commercial snow removal company to get the job done. We are appropriately licensed and properly insured and bonded.

By hiring a commercial snow removal company, you can save yourself a lot of headache and trouble when winter storms hit. Call Ping’s now at 317-298-8482 to ensure your business’ parking lots, drives, and sidewalks are taken care of when the inevitable snowy weather arrives.  And when the snow melts and spring returns to central Indiana, we will be ready to supply all your landscaping needs.  But more about that later!

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Veterans Day: A Brief History

Veterans DayWe are proud Americans.  We are proud to be citizens of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.  But we would not be free, if not for the brave.  That’s why we honor our American veterans.  For our Ping’s family, it is especially important to celebrate this day.  Not only because our owner, Phil Ping, is a veteran, but also because of our veteran employees and their families.  We want to show them on this day, and every day, how very much we appreciate and respect their sacrifices for our freedom.  To truly understand the importance of Veterans Day, we’d like to take a look at where it all began.

The Origin of Veterans Day

Veterans Day was not always called Veterans Day.  From its first observation in 1919 until 1954, Veterans Day was known as Armistice Day.  Its original purpose was to commemorate the events that had occurred one year earlier in 1918.  On November 11th, 1918, at 11:00 am, an armistice between the Allied forces and Germany went into effect.  Although World War I did not officially end until The Treaty of Versailles was signed in June of 1919, this armistice was effectively the end of the fighting.

The Significance of the Day

The end of World War I was a momentous event in the life of Americans, and we can still feel its impact today.  Many young men had fought in World War I, and many had given their lives to protect our freedom.  As the first war that featured the devastation of modern warfare, World War I was a shock to the world.  Thus, it was called The Great War or The War to End All Wars.  These terms demonstrate the major impact that this war had on the people of our country.  The end of this horrific fighting was remembered through the observance of Armistice Day.

Continuing Remembrance of Veterans

There was a strong hope at the end of The Great War that it would be The War to End All Wars, but we know now that it was not to be.  World War II proved to be even more destructive.   The United States would be involved in still more wars after that.  In 1954, Armistice Day was re-named Veterans Day in order to honor soldiers who had served in all wars.  And now in 2016, we observe Veterans Day.   Many individuals and businesses use this day as an opportunity to show appreciation to those veterans who are still living for all they gave to protect our freedom.

All of us at Ping’s Tree Service are thankful for our veterans.  One way we express our appreciation is by making a concerted effort to hire veterans whenever possible.  We encourage you to celebrate Veterans Day by saying thank you to those who have served in the armed forces.  As a veteran-owned business ourselves, we hope that on this day you will enjoy your freedom while remembering those who fought for it.  THANK YOU TO ALL OUR VETERANS!

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How Does Pruning Benefit Your Trees?

pruningIf you’re like most Indianapolis area homeowners or commercial property owners, you value the trees that form the foundation of your landscaping.  You may appreciate the benefits of trees while still being unsure about how you can best protect them and keep them strong and growing for many years.  One easy practice that you can regularly perform is to prune your trees and shrubs.  Some of the benefits of pruning are the following:

Pruning (if done properly) Fights Insects and Infections.

Regular pruning is good for the health of a tree.  It is especially important to prune away infected branches.  Infections can travel to healthy parts of the tree and may eventually endanger the life of the tree.  Dead branches should also be pruned as they are susceptible to insects and infections.  Getting rid of them through pruning and sterilizing the cuts of infections will help to keep the infestations and infections from spreading to the rest of the tree.

Pruned Trees Are Healthier.

In addition to fighting infections, pruning also keeps trees generally healthier.  Cutting away the dead allows the tree to more efficiently nourish the remaining branches.  Furthermore, when trees become dense, thinning the branches helps to decrease the weight of branches and increase the amount of light and air that get through to the tree.

Pruning Keeps Trees Looking Beautiful.

You want your trees to be healthy, but you also want them to be beautiful.  Pruning helps with this as well.  Obviously, cutting out dead branches makes the whole tree look better.  When pruning and trimming are done, the tree can also be shaped.  Uneven growth patterns can be smoothed out, making the tree more pleasing to the eye.

Pruned Trees Are Safer.

A final reason that trees should be pruned is safety.  You may not think about trees as a danger, but in truth they can be.  When weak, dead, or dying branches are left on the tree, there is always a heightened risk that they will be broken off unexpectedly.  It may be during an ice storm, on a windy day, or just in normal conditions.  The loss of these branches can have dramatic consequences from damage to a car, home, building, or even personal injury.

Pruning, thinning, and trimming trees will keep trees healthy, pest-free, beautiful, and safe.  If it seems like a bigger job than what you are willing to tackle, Ping’s can help.  We have the expertise and equipment to take care of your trees with ease.  Call us at 317-298-8482 today to schedule an appointment.

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Ping’s Tree Service Is Growing Too!

satellite locationWhether it is a tree or a business, when something is healthy, it will grow!  Ping’s Tree Service has been serving Indianapolis and the surrounding communities for over 40 years.  We work hard to provide you with the best possible tree care services by investing in top-of-the-line equipment, setting high standards for our workmanship, and treating our customers right.  So it’s no surprise that our business is growing.  Today we are happy to report that our business is expanding and opening a satellite location.

Our additional office will be located in Fishers at State Road 37 and 131st Street.  For the rest of 2016 and the early part of 2017, we will be preparing to open our satellite location for business.  Right now, that location is scheduled to open in February of 2017.  We are excited about this opportunity to better serve our customers and about the possibilities this expansion will open for us.

Our original location on the northwest side of Indianapolis will continue to operate as usual and will remain the main office of our company.  With the growth and changes we are making, we anticipate this expansion will enable us to be even more responsive to customers closer to the Fishers area, especially in emergency situations.  We have quite a few customers in the communities of Fishers, Carmel, Geist, McCordsville, Cicero, and Noblesville.  We look forward to being right in the heart of this area, close by when you need us!

The anticipation of opening our new office in February is building, and we are eager to get things rolled out.  We will let you know more about our official opening as our plans unfold.  In the meantime, we will continue to meet all your tree care, trimming, pruning, fertilizing, and tree removal needs.  We’ll keep your trees healthy and growing…just like us!

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The Best Planting Times for Trees and Shrubs

planting timesTrees and shrubs can add appeal to your landscaping.  In the long term, trees can also provide shade to your home or your yard.  Fruit trees can even provide food grown right there in your yard. There are many good reasons for planting trees and shrubs.  So you may be wondering if there is a good time to plant.  The answer is a resounding yes.  There are both good and bad times to plant trees and shrubs.

Not in the Summer or Winter

Let’s start with the negative.  If you live in central Indiana, you never want to plant trees or shrubs in either of the more extreme seasons.  Summer and winter are not good planting times due to the harsh weather.  The summer in particular is a stressful time for all vegetation.  The heat and lack of adequate water require plants to tap into their valuable stored resources. Since planting is also a stressful event for a tree or shrub, it should not be done at a time of year that is typically taxing.  Planting in the winter is not only not advisable, it may also be nearly impossible.  Once the ground freezes, it will obviously be hard to dig a hole for planting.

Spring is Okay

Once the snow melts and the rising temperatures allow for the ground to thaw, you can start planting your trees and shrubs.  Typically, spring provides a mild climate for planting here in central Indiana.  Temperatures are usually moderate, without either the severe cold of winter or the severe heat of summer.  Rainfall is generally adequate during the spring season as well.  If you choose to plant in the spring, it is a good idea to do it well before the heat of summer sets in.  This gives the tree or shrub enough time to become adequately established in the new location before experiencing the stresses of summer.

Fall is Best

While spring is not a bad time for planting, it is not the best.  Fall is actually the best time to plant trees and shrubs in central Indiana.  The moderate climate of fall ensures that planted vegetation will not be assaulted by the stressors of heat and dryness.  Temperatures are falling at that time of year and rainfall levels are usually adequate.  This is similar to the conditions experienced in the spring.  An added benefit is the coming winter.  Trees and shrubs will usually go dormant in the cold winter months.  In the spring, trees wake up again to another moderate season.  Thus, the tree or shrub planted in the fall has two active seasons in which it can become well-established before the more demanding season of summer.

For those of you who are considering a planting, now is a perfect time to do it.  Planting now gives you the best chance of having a healthy tree now and in the years to come.  If you have a tree that looks unhealthy or that has been damaged, Ping’s is always available to help.  From our arborists to our tree removal experts, our experienced staff can solve your tree problems.  Call us at 317-298-8482 or schedule online at your convenience.

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Fertilizing Trees and Shrubs

Fertilizing Trees and Shrubs

tree fertilizerWe all try to eat healthy.  Get plenty of vegetables, enough dairy, and the right amount of protein.  But what about your trees?  What kind of nutrition do they need?  Obviously, trees do not “eat;” instead, they receive nutrients from the soil.  Since the quality of the soil can vary based on location and treatment, trees often benefit from regular fertilizing.

The Advantage of Fertilizing

Trees that are planted in suburban neighborhoods are often in particular need of fertilizing.  Home builders frequently remove rich top soil at the time of building.  Further compounding the problem is our habitual practice of carefully removing all fallen leaves each autumn.  In a natural setting, fallen leaves are allowed to decompose and add nutrients back into the soil.  Since we typically do not allow this to happen in residential areas, you may want to consider fertilizing.  When you fertilize your trees and shrubs, you give them the materials they need to grow and live.  Thus, a fertilized tree will typically grow faster, look healthier, and be able to better defend against insects and diseases.

The Type of Fertilizer

The type of fertilizer you need depends on the condition of your soil.  You can perform a soil test to determine any soil deficiencies.  A complete fertilizer will contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and a soil test will show how much of each nutrient is needed.  The strength of each nutrient in the fertilizer is shown through a numeric designation for each nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, in that order.  For example, 10-10-10 would be a balanced fertilizer containing 10% of each of the nutrients.  Fertilizer can be purchased in either dry or liquid forms.

The Time for Fertilizing

The best schedule for fertilizing is to make applications in both the spring and the fall.  These are times when trees are not under the stress of extreme temperature and are ready to absorb the nutrients you are putting down.  For your fall application, early September to mid-October is ideal.  Tree roots can absorb nutrients as long as the soil temperature is above 40°F.

If you are unsure of what your trees needs or would just rather not mess with fertilizing yourself, the arborists at Ping’s can take care of it for you.  We can assess your soil condition, determine what your trees need, and fertilize your trees.  Give us a call today (317-298-8482) or schedule online to get your fertilizer treatment done while the weather is still good.

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The Backyard Bucket: The Right Tool for Backyard Tree Problems

The Backyard Bucket: The Right Tool for Backyard Tree Problems

backyard bucket

This Backyard Bucket fits through a 45-inch opening.

Have you ever had a problem that seemed unsolvable?  Big or small, these kinds of problems take our attention and sometimes require a lot of extra work.  But having just the right tool can make all the difference in the world.  Opening a can without a can opener can be difficult and messy.  With one, it’s a cinch.

Since Ping’s specializes in taking care of trees, we have a few tree-related tools at our disposal.  These valuable tools often make things easier on us and you.  One tool that really allows us to minimize the efforts of homeowners to get ready for us is the backyard bucket.  This cleverly designed piece of equipment combines the capability of some of our larger trucks with the ability to access tight spaces.  We have two backyard buckets. One can fit through a 45-inch opening; the other through an opening just 36 inches!

Just imagine that you have a beautiful oak tree in your backyard.  It’s always been a part of your landscape since you bought the house; in fact, it’s probably been there for a hundred years or more.  Then one night a line of thunderstorms blows through your area (as they are prone to do in central Indiana).  Suddenly a bolt of lightning rips through the dark sky and strikes your stately oak.  In the morning, you sadly survey the results of the storm and see that the tree sustained a direct hit and is now split down its center.  You consult with an arborist and learn that your tree is beyond repair.  It will slowly die and as it dies it will become more vulnerable to further damage.  To avoid damage to your home and the homes of your neighbors, it is best to take it down.

Besides the fact that you hate to lose your tree, you now have another problem.  A section of that new wooden fence that you put in last year will have to come down so that the necessary equipment can be brought to the tree.  However, with the backyard bucket this becomes unnecessary.  Although it is a tight fit, the backyard bucket can squeeze through a space of a mere 36 inches.  Yet it still has the capacity to handle big jobs.  It is also a valuable tool to use in a crowded space where the room needed for traditional tree equipment is not available.

For hard-to-reach trees that need tree care or tree removal in Marion County or the surrounding counties, check with us.  We will take a look and give you a free estimate.  Chances are we will have just the right tools to minimize your inconvenience and solve your tree problem!

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Scale Insects Are a Real Nuisance!

Joe Boggs, The Ohio State University Extension

Honeydew produced by soft scales. (Joe Boggs, The Ohio State University Extension)

During these summer months, there are lots of things in the yard that demand your attention.  In addition to regular mowing, you may be busy with trimming, weeding, planting, mulching, and other assorted tasks.  But even while you are keeping everything looking nice, there may be a problem that is forming on your trees and shrubs without you even noticing.  Scale insects are so small that you may not notice their presence on a tree until they begin doing some real damage.

What Are Scale Insects?

Scale insects are a class of insects named for the protective scales that cover their bodies.  They are typical very small (up to 1/8 of an inch) and without any legs, they move quite slowly if at all.  Scale insects usually survive by finding a good spot along the veins of a leaf and sucking the sap from the leaf.  As long as the leaf continues to provide an adequate supply of sap, they will happily set up camp and stay.

How Do Scale Insects Harm Trees?

While this sounds like a nice arrangement for the scale insect, it doesn’t really work out so well for the tree or shrub.  A healthy tree produces a lot of sap and one scale insect probably wouldn’t do much damage.  However, like many pests, these insects reproduce rapidly and each new generation will find a comfy spot, usually on the same tree, and start sucking away.  The euonymus variety of scale insects can produce up to 3 generations each year!  A constant drain of sap will eventually take its toll on the tree or shrub.

What Other Adverse Effects Do Scale Insects Have?

In addition to putting stress on your trees, scale insects also make a mess in and under your trees.  As they are gorging themselves on sap, these little creatures are also excreting a sticky substance all over the leaves on which they live.  This substance, romantically known as honeydew, covers tree leaves as well as dropping onto the ground or anything else parked under the tree.  (The picture at the top right shows a leaf with honeydew.)  If left undisturbed, honeydew will often lead to the formation of a black sooty mold.

How Can Scale Insects Be Eliminated?

I’m sure you can see why no homeowner with a sound mind would want scale insects.   So what can you do to eliminate these tiny pests?  Due to the protective scale which covers these insects, they are often resistant to normal sprayed insecticides. Full-strength oil sprays may be applied directly to the tree’s leaves during dormant periods in an effort suffocate over-wintering egg masses. However, the timing of application is crucial to safe and effective elimination.  Oil sprays are usually applied in late winter or early spring and should not be applied to trees or shrubs that are fully leafed out.   The most effective and reliable method for getting rid of these pests is the use of systemic insecticides.

If you find that you have scale insects invading a tree, Ping’s Tree Service has the experience and expertise to take care of your problem.  With the mild winter we had this year, we have been seeing more of these sneaky little critters than usual.  But they are no match for our certified arborists.  Scales are not easy to displace once they have taken up residence, but Ping’s will do what it takes to send them packing.  Give us a call to schedule an appointment for a free consultation (317-298-8482).

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Weak Trees Are No Match for an Indiana Thunderstorm

storm damageThere is nothing like a good thunderstorm to put nature’s awesome power on display.  Brilliant flashes of lightning, driving rains, high-speed winds, occasionally even the whirling vortex of a tornado.   With the intense energy that is packed in these storms, it is no wonder that they can do a lot of damage – to home, autos, and even trees.  While it is impossible to predict where or when a storm will strike, you can identify trees that may be more vulnerable to storm-related damage.  In general, any weakness in a tree can make it more susceptible to damage.  This weakness may be the result of previous damage, decay, structural abnormalities, or even environmental deficiencies.

Decay is a major cause of tree weakness.

When a tree experiences decay, some of its tissue is dying. Where once there had been strong, solid, living material, now there is soft, squishy, dead matter.  Obviously, this makes it less able to withstand any assault.  So what causes decay in the first place?  Decay can begin when there is a wound to the tree that allows the entrance of disease.  These wounds may result from improper bracing or pruning as well as damage done by a lawnmower or weed trimmer.  Improper mulching, overwatering, or inadequate soil drainage can also encourage decay.

Structural abnormalities can also make a tree vulnerable.

Trees with codominant stems, for example, can be more susceptible to storm damage.  This condition occurs when the tree has 2 or more stems that form the main trunk, each with approximately the same diameter.   While the tree may look strong to the casual observer, it is more likely to fail to withstand damage from a storm.  Another abnormality that can cause weakness is stem girdling roots. Roots at or just below the surface of the soil that partially or completely encircle the tree are known as stem girdling roots.  They take a toll on the overall health of a tree and often cause a weakness to form in the lower trunk.  High winds can cause the tree to then snap off at the weak point, bringing the tree down.

Many tree weaknesses can be addressed.

The good news is that many of these weaknesses can be avoided or treated.  First, evaluate the condition of your trees often.  Look for dead branches that need to be removed, places where damage has already occurred, and structural problems like codominant stems or stem girdling roots.  Second, leave major tree work to the professionals.  Rather than trying to prune your tree or attach needed cables or braces, it really is best to get someone who will do it right.  If you see a problem or just suspect that something is not right, call an arborist.  They are trained to know what to look for and what can be done to mitigate the problem.

The experienced staff of certified arborists at Ping’s Tree Service is happy to come out and take a look at your trees anytime.  Our experts know how to spot a potential problem and what to do to handle it.  We will give you a free assessment with any recommendations for treatment.  Call us at 317-298-8482 with your concerns or schedule your free assessment today.  We will help you protect your trees against the fury of the next Indiana thunderstorm.

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Paying the Price for a Mild Winter

tree care

Leaves affected by apple scab.

The winter of 2016 was a mild one in central Indiana, and it was a needed relief after the two unseasonably cold and snowy winters preceding it.  We all enjoyed the benefits of a more temperate winter.  Yet as often happens, this much welcomed mildness is not without a downside.  Now we must deal with the increase in insects and disease that often accompany warmer temperatures and fewer blizzards.

More Insects.

The harsh weather of winter is hard on insects.  Prolonged freezing temperatures will kill more insects as the frost level pushes deeper into the ground, reaching to places where more insects are hibernating.  In a mild winter the ground will not freeze as far down, allowing for more insect to survive.  Insect populations get another boast when warm weather arrives earlier in the spring without a resurgence of cold.  In these circumstances, bugs can begin reproducing earlier and have more time to build up in numbers.

It is easy to see that this increase in insect populations can have some negative consequences.  Obviously, insects are pests and having more of them will require more effort to keep them from wreaking havoc.  One area where the reach of more insects must be battled is in plant care.  From crops to landscapes, from trees to perennials, all plants are exposed to more attacks from insect pests after a mild winter.  In particular, the tree care specialists at Ping’s are seeing an increase in scale insects, especially in maple, tulip, oak, and crab apple trees.

More Disease.

In addition to an increase in insects, mild winters can also result in an increase in disease experienced by plants and trees.  Mold, in particular, can be a real problem after a mild winter.  Mild winters produce the kind of wet and mild conditions that mold thrives in.  Not only are temperatures more suitable to the growth of mold and other diseases, but the fact that more precipitation falls as rain rather than snow leaves the ground soggy and wet, a perfect environment for the growth of mold, fungus, and bacteria.  Our arborists are currently battling attacks from fungi such as apple scab and anthracnose.

There are many advantages to a mild weather, but it is not without its drawbacks.  Now that the seasons have changed, it is important to be aware of the accompanying increase in insects and disease.  If you have considered the Plant Health Care Plan offered by Ping’s, now is a perfect time to start.  Our certified arborists will monitor the health of your trees and guard against disease and infestation.  Visit our website to read more or give us a call (317-298-8482) to talk to a tree specialist.

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